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Illustration for news: ‘Economic Relations between China and Russia Are Based on the Principles of Mutual Respect’

‘Economic Relations between China and Russia Are Based on the Principles of Mutual Respect’

On October 6, Dr Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies (RDCY) and Vice President of Silk Road School, Renmin University of China (RUC), will speak on 'China-Russia Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges' at HSE University. In the run-up to the event, the HSE News Service talked to Dr Wang Wen about the current state of Sino-Russian economic relations.

Illustration for news: Deadline for HSE INTO Extended

Deadline for HSE INTO Extended

The registration deadline for the HSE International Olympiad has been extended until December 18, 2022. The competition will take place on January 16–29, 2023.

Illustration for news: Annual Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Annual Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

The Faculty of Economic Sciences is holding a contest to predict the winners of the 2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Participants can name up to three candidates, and whoever makes the most accurate prediction will receive a prize.

Illustration for news: ‘I Take Every Critical Comment Seriously and Try to Address It in My Future Teaching’

‘I Take Every Critical Comment Seriously and Try to Address It in My Future Teaching’

Every year, HSE University students and recent graduates vote for their Best Teachers. Among the winners of this year’s vote was Martin Beisswenger, Assistant Professor at the School of History at the HSE University Faculty of Humanities. In the latest in our series of interviews with this year’s Best Teachers, we spoke to Martin about the significance of winning the competition, building a balanced curriculum, and how to respond to criticism.

Illustration for news: Digitization of Manuscripts: Months of Searching Can Turn into Hours and Even Minutes

Digitization of Manuscripts: Months of Searching Can Turn into Hours and Even Minutes

HSE staff members are participating in the ‘Russian Cultural Heritage: Intellectual Analysis and Thematic Modeling of the Corpus of Handwritten Texts’ project. This is aimed at developing a methodology for the automated analysis of manuscripts, eliminating the need for manual processing. HSE News Service spoke to Ekaterina Boltunova, project manager, Professor, Head of the Laboratory 'Russia’s Regions in Historical Perspective' at HSE Faculty of Humanities.

Illustration for news: ‘In Finance I Am Interested in Building an Investment Portfolio’

‘In Finance I Am Interested in Building an Investment Portfolio’

Dmitry Perkov, a student on the ‘Master of Finance’ online programme, has developed his career from sales representative to regional manager in multinational corporations. He told HSE News Service how studying helped him to take a fresh look at his regular job and provided him with tools for managing his own investment portfolio.

Illustration for news: HSE University Researchers Adapt Emotional Contagion Scale to Russian Language

HSE University Researchers Adapt Emotional Contagion Scale to Russian Language

Scholars from the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience have translated the Emotional Contagion Scale into Russian and validated it on Russian-speaking participants. It was the first study of how people unconsciously ‘catch’ other people’s emotions using a Russian sample. The results of the survey, which involved more than 500 respondents, demonstrate that women are more inclined to imitate emotions of others than men. The study was published inFrontiers in Psychology. 

Illustration for news: Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’

Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’

After getting his Master’s degree in Computer Science in Rome, Julio Carrasquel decided not to pursue a corporate career in IT, but to move to Moscow to get a PhD at HSE University. As a result, he received a scholarship on the Advanced Doctoral Programme, successfully defended his thesis, and was named one of the university’s Best Teachers. Julio talked with the HSE News Service about his path in academia and life in Russia.

Illustration for news: Russian Scientists Teach AI to Analyse Emotions of Participants at Online Events

Russian Scientists Teach AI to Analyse Emotions of Participants at Online Events

HSE researchers have proposed a new neural network method for recognising emotions and people's engagement. The algorithms are based on the analysis of video images of faces and significantly outperform existing single models. The developed models are suitable for low-performance equipment, including mobile devices. The results can be implemented into video conferencing tools and online learning systems to analyse the engagement and emotions of participants. The results of the study were published in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

Illustration for news: In Assessing Motivation, Rating Scales Are Far from the Best Choice

In Assessing Motivation, Rating Scales Are Far from the Best Choice

Researchers from HSE University and the Pushkin Institute have demonstrated that pairwise comparisons work better than rating scales for measuring motivation. The reason is that many people cannot rank their motives in a hierarchical fashion. The study findings are published in Frontiers in Psychology.