HSE Students Take Part in Chaumont Biennale of Graphic Design
Three projects by HSE Art and Design School students have made it to the finals of an international student competition and will be presented at the Biennale of Graphic Design in Chaumont (France) from May 13 to September 24, 2017. The competition task was to use graphic design to create a tool or product that contributes to the transmission of knowledge.
Converting Russia’s Educational Potential into Capital
At ‘Crossroads and Prospects for the Development of Russian Education’, a special session held as part of the XVIII April Conference, experts discussed the section related to education from a recent report on the strategy of Russia’s development by the Centre for Strategic Research. Since investments in education have an effect after 15-20 years, participants analyzed development prospects up to 2035.
Aritificial Intelligence Society Breeds Insecurity and Xenophobia
Why did Trump win the election? Who votes for right-wing xenophobic populist parties? How do we account for Brexit? Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, traces the change in public opinion to rising inequality and the resulting cultural xenophobic backlash and prevailing feeling of insecurity.
Management Students Win L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge National Selection
The HSE Perm student team has won the national round of the L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge, becoming the best in Russia. The national selection round in this case competition was held in Moscow, and the 9 best Russian teams competed for the national title.
Revolution in Administration to Take Place Over Next 10 Years
How should the state’s economic priorities change? What structural reforms are to take place in the near future? What should be improved in the state control system? Participants at the roundtable discussion ‘The State and Economic Development’ discussed these and other issues as part of the XVIII April Conference at Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow.
HSE Signed Partnership Agreement with Ghent University
Students and doctoral students of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will have the opportunity to take part in exchange and double degree programmes.
Russian Students in More Difficult Circumstances Improve Their Academic Performance
The International Symposium on Economics and Sociology of Education is being held on April 11-14 as part of the XVIII April Conference on Economic and Social Development. On April 11, experts discussed the dynamics of educational outcomes in Russia and beyond (based on data culled from international projects to monitor the quality of education) at a roundtable session organized by the World Bank.
Without Trust the Best Programmes Cannot Be Carried Out Even Partially
At this year’s April Conference on Economic and Social Development, speakers in the first expert discussion on strategies for Russia’s development discussed growth prospects for the Russian economy. The main speaker was Chairman of the Board at the Centre for Strategic Research, Alexei Kudrin.
April Conference Discusses Strategic Areas of Russia’s Development
The XVIII April International Academic Conference has kicked off at Higher School of Economics (HSE). This major event includes expert discussions on the strategic problems facing Russia’s economic and social development. Representatives of the Russian Government will take part in the debates.
Bachelor’s Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Highly Assessed by European Logistics Association
On March 28, 2017, a meeting of representatives of national certification committees for logistics was held in Bucharest, Romania. Andrey Vinogradov, Deputy Head for International Relations at HSE School of Logistics, took part in the event.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025