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HSE Makes It to THE Humanities Rankings for First Time Ever

The Higher School of Economics has made it onto the Times Higher Education ranking in the arts and humanities category for the first time ever. The university was in the 176-200 group, demonstrating the best result among schools that participate in Project 5-100 in this field. In addition, HSE placed third among Russian universities as a whole for this subject ranking.

HSE Legal Expert Maria Smirnova Begins Service with the UN

In early September 2017, Senior Researcher at the IOE Center for Education Law Maria Smirnova, PhD, began her term as an Associate Officer with the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Administration. Maria’s role involves supporting the organization and holding of the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, during September 11–29, 2017.     

HSE Joins Top-300 of QS Gradua­te Employability Rankings

Higher School of Economics (HSE) has entered the 251-300 group of the QS Graduate Employability Rankings, which aim to reflect the relationship between a university’s activities and subsequent graduate employment. HSE took first place among Project 5-100’s participants and fourth place among 11 Russian universities, thus improving upon last year’s result.

HSE Staff Receive State Awards

Honorary awards and titles have been awarded to six HSE academic and administrative staff members.

Illustration for news: 'You Have to Work Seven Days a Week. But I’ve Never Enjoyed Studying as Much as I Do This Year'

'You Have to Work Seven Days a Week. But I’ve Never Enjoyed Studying as Much as I Do This Year'

A year ago Yulia Zhestkova, a graduate of the HSE-NES Joint Programme got into the PhD programme in economics at the University of Chicago immediately after completing her bachelor’s. Below, Yulia tells the HSE News Service how the programme is structured, what the instructors – among whom are Nobel Prize Laureates – are like, and what you have to confess to yourself before going into a PhD programme. 

Illustration for news: Artificial Intelligence Society

Artificial Intelligence Society

Cultural Evolution, a new book by Ronald Inglehart, American sociologist, professor at the University of Michigan and academic supervisor of the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, is currently being prepared for publication in Russia. Russian readers will be the first to read the prominent scholar's book, as its Russian translation will come out before the American original. The Russian translation of the book has been prepared by the Liberal Mission Foundation and the LCSR.

First Enrollment at HSE Faculty of Physics

This year the first enrollment was held at HSE Faculty of Physics: since September 26 bachelor’s and 14 master’s students will start their studies at the faculty. They received student ID cards as well as promises to study in creative atmosphere with assistance.

Illustration for news: Teaching Foreign Languages to Bill Gates and School-children in Africa

Teaching Foreign Languages to Bill Gates and School-children in Africa

New information technologies are fundamentally changing our understanding of what education is. In his lecture at HSE, Luis von Ahn, Co-founder of reCAPTCHA and the educational platform Duolingo talked about how computer programmes teach people to interact and create new social elevators. 

Illustration for news: Russian Online Learning Market Poised for 53 bln Roubles by 2021

Russian Online Learning Market Poised for 53 bln Roubles by 2021

According to recent forecasts, the global EdTech market, which is currently equal to $165 billion, will grow by more than 5% annually. One of the fastest growing regional markets for online education was Eastern Europe, with Russia being the leader. Experts predict that average annual growth for the Russian online learning market will be 20% over the next five years.

Illustration for news: International Students Get Acquainted with Moscow and HSE

International Students Get Acquainted with Moscow and HSE

Orientation sessions for new international students were held during the last two weeks of August at HSE Moscow. More than 200 exchange students from 80 countries will be spending the autumn semester taking courses in various HSE faculties. During the orientation, they learned about academic matters, administrative and safety issues, took a tour of HSE library, and attended roundtable discussions on life in Moscow and culture shock.