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Illustration for news: HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition

Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.

‘Nowhere Have I Enjoyed Teaching More Than in Russia’

On July 24, the results of the Best Teachers 2017 competition at HSE were announced, with more than 500 teachers from across the university being recognized by students, 80% of whom voted in this year’s competition. While the financial reward for recognition is certainly attractive, the teachers who won appreciated the support of students, as well as the opportunity to reflect on their careers and what has made them successful.

Cheyenne Bishop about Language & Culture Programme in Saint Petersburg

Cheyenne Bishop from Mount Holyoke College (USA) studies the Russian language and culture at the Language & Culture Programme in Saint Petersburg this summer. She shared her impressions with HSE News Service.

Illustration for news: ‘Mirror Symmetry Was Discovered by Physicists, But Very Quickly Got the Attention of Mathematicians…’

‘Mirror Symmetry Was Discovered by Physicists, But Very Quickly Got the Attention of Mathematicians…’

The HSE International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms, which is among several international laboratories to recently open within the Higher School of Economics, was created in December 2016 as part of the Russian government’s mega-grants program. Below, the lab’s academic supervisor, Ludmil Katzarkov, along with deputy heads Valery Gritsenko and Viktor Przyjalkowski, explain why the laboratory is fully capable of becoming a unique multidisciplinary unit dedicated to the study of mirror symmetry, automorphic forms, and number theory.

Admission to HSE Was a Key Event in My Life

Ekaterina Vasilevskaya is a second year student on the full-time advanced doctoral programme, and also a visiting lecturer at HSE. Since 2016, she has participated in the 'Health Literacy and Its Impact on Weight-Related Behaviors in College Students’ research project at Florida International University, USA. In her interview for the Doctoral School of Psychology, Ekaterina spoke about being admitted to the HSE doctoral programme, and her studies.

Illustration for news: ‘I Am Who I Am, Only with a Magic Wand…’

‘I Am Who I Am, Only with a Magic Wand…’

Oksana Osadchaya, a blind sophomore in the undergraduate philology programme, has developed a version of braille for Old Russian texts. Oksana recently defended her thesis on the subject. Together with her academic advisor Alexey Gippius, Oksana met with the HSE News Service to discuss her work, as well as the opportunities that she has opened up for blind researchers who study texts in Old Russian, Old Slavonic, and Old Church Slavonic.

'Moscow Seems Like a Totally Different World but I Feel Very Comfortable Here'

On July 21, students from Seoul National University presented their projects devoted to politics, economics and social sphere of Russia. Every year, within the framework of HSE Summer University, a group of South Korean students comes to Moscow to learn the Russian language and take 'Understanding Modern Russia' course. At the end of the course students prepare presentations based on the knowledge they have gained and their own research results.

Illustration for news: HSE Welcomes First International Summer School ‘Inequality of Educational Opportunities’

HSE Welcomes First International Summer School ‘Inequality of Educational Opportunities’

In July 2017, the HSE Institute of Education welcomed its first international summer school 'Inequality of Educational Opportunities'. Organized by the IOE International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis, this event aimed to promote best-practice approaches to inequality research through multi-dimensional academic debate and learning about today’s advanced methodology in social data analysis.

‘Everyone Finds It Challenging in the Beginning, but I’ve Progressed a Lot, and Now I Can Speak Russian Very Well’

On July 21, 2017, the graduation ceremony for the Preparatory Year programme was held. During the ceremony, more than 170 students from 40 countries received their diplomas, which will enable them to continue their studies in Russia.

Illustration for news: Researchers Uncover How to Boost Learning Efficiency in Neurofeedback Paradigm

Researchers Uncover How to Boost Learning Efficiency in Neurofeedback Paradigm

Researchers from the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making and the Control of Complex Systems Laboratory (Russian Academy of Sciences) have conducted a series of experiments to uncover what a person actually controls when they are tasked with independently affecting the activity of their own brain. This discovery may help develop non-pharmacological methods for treating epilepsy, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and depression.