Visual Perception of Summary Statistics Not Following Mathematical Rules
Cognitive psychologists of the Higher School of Economics have experimentally demonstrated that people are capable of estimating the mean size of visible objects and their approximate number simultaneously, showing for the first time that these two cognitive processes are independent of each other and do not follow the rules of mathematical statistics. The results of this experiment, published in PLOS One, can inform new approaches to statistical data visualisation and statistical education.
Riccardo Cucciolla – Pursuing Postdoctoral Studies on the History of Soviet Uzbekistan
On November 1, Riccardo Cucciolla began a postdoctoral fellowship at the HSE International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences. During his year at HSE, he intends to pursue a research project that follows from his dissertation entitled ‘The Crisis of Soviet Power in Central Asia: The Uzbek Cotton Affair (1975–1991)’, which he wrote while completing a PhD in Political History at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Lucca, Italy.
How Behavioral Economics Changes Personal Perception
In 2017 Richard Thaler received the Nobel Prize for research in behavioral economics. Since 2009, the HSE Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics has been researching this field of economics. Alexey Belianin, Head of the Laboratory and Deputy Director of the International College of Economics and Finance, and lab staff members told HSE News Service why standard economic models do not work and how to make a person behave in a particular way.
HSE students and staff sent Mother’s Day postcards created by the HSE Art and Design School to their mothers as part of the ‘Letter to Mom’ charity event.
HSE Professor Delivers Course on War and Peace at University of Bayreuth
Boris Kashnikov, Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, has delivered a course on "War and Peace" at the University of Bayreuth (Germany). The course was delivered in cooperation with Professor Rudolf Schuessler - specialist in just war theory, theory of international negotiations, and ethics in economics. The course is the result of the cooperation agreement recently signed between HSE and the University of Bayreuth.

Joint Department with Deloitte Opens at HSE
With the Joint Department with Deloitte, the HSE School of Finance now has joint departments with all of the Big Four audit and consulting firms.
How HSE Popularizes Science
World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated on November 10. The day aims to promote research achievements and foster further research development. HSE puts great effort into popularizing research carried out at the university.
‘I Was Impressed by How Marvelous the Festival Was’
This October World Festival of Youth and Students took place in Sochi bringing together over 20 000 young people from 150 countries. Several HSE international students participated in the event. They have shared their impressions with HSE News Service.

How Spatial Navigation Correlates with Language
Cognitive neuroscientists from the Higher School of Economics and Aarhus University experimentally demonstrate how spatial navigation impacts language comprehension. The results of the study have been published in NeuroImage.
HSE Basic Research Programme Publishes 1,000th Working Paper
The 1,000th working paper, which came out this November, discusses how innovative companies in the U.S. fund projects. Its authors are Anastasia Stepanova and Maria Kokoreva, research fellows at the HSE Corporate Finance Center, and Kirill Povkh, first-year Master’s student in the Corporate Finance programme.