Online Classes Should Replace Traditional Lectures Only When Necessary
Large online courses will become even more popular since the quality and accessibility of education is rising. They will not, however, replace traditional in-person interactions between student and teacher. This was the conclusion of participants in the eSTARS 2018 international academic conference on the present and future of online education. HSE and the online learning platform Coursera teamed up to host the event in Moscow on December 5-6.

Fab Lab Founder from Latin America Shares His Expertise with HSE Students
Benito Juarez, the founder of the first Fab Lab in South America and the Latin America Fab Lab Network, has come to HSE University for the 2018 autumn semester as an invited lecturer on Master’s Programme in Prototyping Future Cities. He is delivering a course in Impact Analysis for first-year students and leading the City Project module, a practical component of the Master’s programme. Mr Juarez has talked to HSE News Service about fab lab projects, creative cities of the future, and the courses he is teaching at HSE.

Two HSE Teams Confirmed as ICPC Finalists
On December 1st and 2nd, the semifinals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for teams from the Northern Eurasia region were held. HSE teams from St. Petersburg (8th place) and the Moscow-based Faculty of Computer Science (13th place) received first class certificates. Furthermore, the teams will represent HSE at the finals, which will be held in Portugal next year.
‘It Is Essential for University to Reach Common Understanding on Key Issues’
Valeria Kasamara, Senior Director for Government Relations, has been appointed new Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Relations, taking over the position from Igor Chirikov*. She spoke to the HSE News Service about what is special about the contemporary students, and about her plans for the new position.

HSE Banking Institute Director Awarded Italian Order of the Star
Italy’s Ambassador to Russia Pasquale Terracciano made HSE Banking Institute Director Vasily Solodkov a Knight of the Italian Order of the Star for his exceptional scholarly contribution to the advancement and development of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Russia.

Academic Council Approves Tuition Fees for HSE Programmes
The HSE Academic Council has approved tuition fees for undergraduate and graduate programmes for incoming students in 2019.
Students in the Faculty of Physics Take Third Place at All-Russian Student Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics
They took third place in team competitions and received II and III level certificates in the personal competition. The Olympiad was held in Kazan, with 106 students from 30 Russian university teams taking part in individual and team competitions (theoretical and computer).
HSE's Advent Calendar
An advent calendar with gifts is usually seen as a source of entertainment for children, but away with conventions. Everyone loves to receive presents, but HSE loves to give them. Each day between December 1st and 24th, the windows of a virtual calendar will display links to some of HSE’s most interesting courses, lectures, and events set to take place soon, as well as recordings from past events. The result will be 24 presents for absolutely everyone to enjoy.

HSE Decides on New Grading System for Next School Year
The Academic Council has confirmed a new draft of the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at the Higher School of Economics.

Post-urban Development: Why Contemporary Megacities Have Lost City Features
A contemporary city expands; it is stitched together with communications, but lacks integrity. Districts, urban communities and practices are so heterogeneous, that they often don’t interact with each other. A united space is split into fragments. Communication is replaced with alienation. Dmitry Zamyatin, geographer and researcher of culture, chief research fellow at the HSE Graduate School of Urbanism, called this phenomenon a ‘post-city’. The scholar spoke to IQ.HSE about this issue.