HSE Opens Two New Faculties
In 2019, HSE will begin enrolling students in undergraduate programmes at two new faculties: the Faculty of Chemistry, and the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. These faculties will work in partnership with leading RAS institutions where students will be carrying out research.

Effective Development Strategy Helps HSE Climb in THE World University Ranking
HSE has once again climbed the THE World University Ranking and entered the 301 – 350 range, taking 3rd place in Russia after MSU (199) and MIPT (251-300). HSE first appeared in this ranking two years ago and every subsequent year the university has consistently improved its standing.

HSE Hosts Joint Graduation Party for HSE/FIFA/CIES Programmes Taught at Two Campuses
43 students from two HSE campuses received a professional retraining certificate from the HSE Executive Programme in Sports Management together with a CIES/FIFA diploma this year. The students had the opportunity to attend lectures both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they were broadcast live. The final, sixth, module of the programme was taught in Pushkino near St. Petersburg. The graduates prepared their degree projects together.
iCare6 Helps Mark 20th Anniversary of HSE Perm
On September 20-21, the Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the sixth International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare6), an event that focuses on research with applications to and implications for real-life problems. The conference acronym reflects its motto: iCare = I care.
HSE Joins Top-100 of QS Master’s Ranking in 4 Areas of Business Education
For the second year in a row, the QS Ranking Agency has published its Business Masters Rankings. A total of three Russian universities appeared on this ranking (HSE University, St Petersburg State University, and Ural Federal University) in four areas of business education. Last year, only two Russian universities were on the ranking.

Winners of the First International Economics Olympiad Announced
In the team competition, Latvia won the gold, Russia took silver, while Kazakhstan and Brazil tied for the third place to share the bronze.

HSE Opens New Modern Art Gallery
The HSE Art Gallery is the first of its kind among Russian universities. The gallery is expected to become a space for established contemporary artists and students to work together and share their experiences with one another. They will be able to not only present their works at the gallery, but also participate in the creation of exhibitions.

Ageing Europe: Which Parts of Europe Have the Youngest and Oldest Populations?
Demographers have created a detailed colour map of population ageing in European countries; a collection of demographic stories, it uses colour coding to indicate the varying stages of population ageing across Europe. By looking at the map, you can easily spot areas with a higher concentration of older people, countries with the youngest populations and the main destinations for workforce flows. The map's author Ilya Kashnitsky comments on some of the demographic stories it tells.
Russian Language: 'One Student's Mess is Another Student's Bliss'
'In fact, the Russian language is very logical and my task is to disclose this to my students', says Alevtina Iagodova who has been teaching Russian for over 20 years. At HSE University – St. Petersburg she gives Russian classes to exchange students, organizes a language club, and promotes the Russian culture awareness among foreigners. Recently, she has been invited by the University of Indonesia to lead a workshop in order to share her knowledge and experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language with the local colleagues.
HSE Day 2018: Photo Report
On September 13, we celebrated yet another HSE Day, our annual start-of-the-academic-year festival, which is followed the year’s tough road of studies. Let’s look at some pictures from the events at Gorky Park and relive its best moments!