500 mln
rubles in investments were raised over the last year by startups that are part of the HSE Business Incubator. The head of the HSE Business Incubator, Mikhail Erman, reported this figure during the Tekhnoprom forum in Novosibirsk, Russia.
Six New Things to See on HSE Day 2018
HSE Day is an annual event that never fails to surprise guests with something new. Below is a list of six new themed events to be featured at this year’s festival in Gorky Park on September 13.
Researchers Determine Space Weather near Earth’s Closest Exoplanet
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics and Space Research Institute (Russia) have calculated the main parameters that determine space weather close to the nearest Earth-like exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b. Such parameters include solar wind, as well as galactic and solar cosmic rays. The results of the research were published in Astronomy Letters.

Leading Russian Universities to Train Personnel for the Far East
The Prime Minister of Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, has approved a programme which will train personnel for key sectors of the economy in the Far East. The Higher School of Economics is one of the universities that will conduct the activities in the programme, in collaboration with the universities of the Far Eastern Federal District.
The Most Important Thing at HSE’s Faculty of Mathematics is the People
Graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE, Andrey Ionov and Lera Starichkova, who have since enrolled in educational programmes at leading international universities, spoke about their love for mathematics, the level of the Bachelor programme at HSE, and admission to foreign PhD programmes.
Window into the Brain: HSE Researchers Are Developing a New Generation of MEG Devices
In collaboration with scientists from the Ioffe Institute, HSE researchers have developed an ultra-sensitive atomic magnetometric scheme with a sensitivity of 5 fTl×Hz-1/2, setting a performance record for sensors operating in the Earth's magnetic field. The scheme will be used to design a multichannel atomic magnetoencephalograph, expected to be the most accurate and compact device available today for non-invasive measurement of the brain's electrical activity.

HSE Day For Everyone
On September 13, the annual HSE Day will take place in Gorky Park. This is an exciting event, open to people of all ages and backgrounds. Every year, the choice of activities becomes longer and longer. Find out here what’s on offer – there’s something for everyone.

HSE Summer University Celebrates Another Successful Year
On August 16, the HSE Summer University officially came to an end. The graduation ceremony was an opportunity for participants, teachers and programme administrators to celebrate yet another successful season – and the Summer University’s fifth birthday.

International Undergraduate Applicants to Compete in Olympiad for HSE Scholarships for 2019 Academic Year
On August 10, online registration opened for the 2019 International Youth Olympiad. The winners and prize recipients of the event have the chance to receive a full or partial scholarship to study in one of HSE’s bachelor’s programmes.

American Student in St. Petersburg: Understanding Modern Russia
Addie Bacon, an American student from Smith College, who studies the Russian language and literature in the US. She had spent six months at HSE University St. Petersburg attending ‘Russian, Eurasian, and Post-Soviet Studies Programme’. Before she left to go back home we asked her a few questions about her experience studying and living in Russia.