HSE Scientists Simulate Rogue Waves in Standing Wave Fields
Researchers from the HSE campus in Nizhny Novgorod, together with scientists from Australia and Japan, have built a model explaining the occurrence of abnormally high waves on the sea surface. Also known as rogue waves or killer waves, they often lead to accidents in the sea. The study findings are published in Physical Review Letters. The paper was selected as the Editor's Suggestion for its significance, novelty, and wide application. The research was financed by a megagrant from the Russian government as part of the 'Science and Universities' National Project and a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR).

Wushu, Tekken and Fortune-telling by the Book of Changes: Lunar New Year Celebrated at HSE University
This New Year, according to the Asian calendar, arrived on January 22nd. On this day, HSE Cultural Centre brought together Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cultures. To the sounds of Asian songs and Korean drums, the guests tried their hand at calligraphy, studied jianzhi and origami, played Ttakji and Go, ate traditional cookies and expelled evil spirits. The Lunar New Year at the university was organized by the School of Asian Studies and the HSE Chinese Club.

Unprecedented Cyber Attacks: Information Security Comes First for the State and Business
Changes related to the pandemic and the sanctions regime have led to the restructuring of the Russian information industry and changes in the policy strategy of its participants. What are the main risks and how best to cope with these new challenges? These issues were discussed during the ‘Digital Transformation of Business in the New Post-crisis Reality’ master class, organized by HSE Department of the Theory and Practice of Business-Government Interaction.

HSE University Shares Experience of Developing Online Education at Russia-Turkmenistan Forum
By invitation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, HSE University Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin took part in the Russia-Turkmenistan business forum held on January 19–20 in Ashgabat. In the round table ‘Russia-Turkmenistan Cooperation in Education: Professional Development for the Economy’, he spoke about trends in online education in Russia using the example of HSE University.
Khanty Dialects Differ More Than Slavic Languages
Idalia Fedotova, researcher at HSE University and the RAS Ivannikov Institute for System Programming, examined lexical differences across Khanty dialects and found that members of this relatively small ethnic group speak three distinct languages—rather than two, as previously thought. The findings are published in Ural-Altaic Studies.

First Cold Atom Chip Presented in Russia
A team of scientists from HSE University, the RAS Institute of Spectroscopy, and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have developed a cold atom chip for devices with high accuracy of measurements. The researchers are currently working to create atomic clocks which could be used on spacecraft and the ISS. The paper has been published in Optics & Laser Technology.

System to Automatically Identify Causes of Cryptogenic Stroke Under Development at HSE University-Perm
As a result of the 2023 Teacher-Student Team Research Project competition, the project ‘The Development of Automated Approaches to Identify the Aetiology of Cryptogenic Stroke with the Aim of Preventing Secondary Acute Cerebrovascular Accident’ has been created with funding from the HSE Academic Fund Programme. The project is led by Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies (LINES).

Thin Ice and a Field of Thorns: Master Class in Acting Held at HSE University
On January 17, the HSE Film Institute held a master class for applicants and students of the university. The author and instructor of the class was Igor Skripko, theatre and film actor, curator and teacher of the Actor Intensive preparatory programme. Prospective students had the opportunity to find out how to apply to the Theatre and Film Actor specialist’s programme.

‘HSE University Gives You Everything You Need to Manage the Research Process’
Ion Frecautan chose to pursue his doctoral studies at HSE University because of its reputation as a leading research university and its extensive academic infrastructure. With the latest enrolment campaign for doctoral schools now underway, we spoke to Ion about his green finance research at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, his activities as a lecturer, and more.

Neural Prosthesis Uses Brain Activity to Decode Speech
Researchers from HSE University and the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry have developed a machine learning model that can predict the word about to be uttered by a subject based on their neural activity recorded with a small set of minimally invasive electrodes. The paper 'Speech decoding from a small set of spatially segregated minimally invasive intracranial EEG electrodes with a compact and interpretable neural network' has been published in the Journal of Neural Engineering. The research was financed by a grant from the Russian Government as part of the 'Science and Universities' National Project.