Professor Raymond Duch on Taxation and the Newest Tendencies in Student Education at Oxford
On Tuesday, December 10, 2013, Raymond M. Duch (Nuffield College, University of Oxford), PhD, Official Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, spoke on ‘Why we Cheat: Experimental Evidence on Tax Compliance’ within the Higher School of Economics/ New Economic School research seminar on political economy. Raymond Duch gave a special interview for the HSE news service.
The Best Report in London
Ekaterina Streltsova, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for Statistics of Science at the Institute for Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge, took part the third International Conference on History and Society Development. Her report was recognized as the best at the conference.
In Search of Common Solutions
On Tuesday, December 10, 2013, visiting expert Gunnar Prause will deliver the lecture “Green Corridors, Innovation, and SME Development” at the HSE. The event has been organized by the HSE Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation. We spoke to Professor Prause ahead of his visit and asked him about his work.
The Past, The Present and The Future
Dr Juha Kaskinen, Director of the Finland Futures Research Center (FFRC), University of Turku is visiting the HSE Moscow in the framework of the ‘International Foresight Academy’ project developed by EU, the first organization to bind together foresight activities around the globe by supporting researcher mobility between leading Foresight Centers of Europe, North and South America, and Asia.
The HSE’s French Anniversary
December 5-6, 2013 HSE held an international conference “Diderot, Encyclopaedia, Enlightenment”, which was organised jointly by the Philosophy, History and Philology faculties. Russian academics and French researchers from the universities of Caen, Reims, Paris Ouest and Paris Sorbonne all took part in the forum.
Academic Council Approved HSE Statement of Values
On December 6, the Academic Council of the Higher School of Economics approved the HSE Statement of Values, which represents the university’s mission and its most important principles of work and study.
Arctic Governance: From Theory to Practice
On December 9, 2013, Oran Young, Research Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, will give an open lecture on ‘Arctic Governance: From Theory to Practice’ at the HSE. Anna Chernyakhovskaya, Chief Content Editor of the HSE English language website asked him why this such an important issue today.
HSE Student Team Reaches Final of the World Championship in Programming
The HSE team in sport programming has taken part in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest NEERC and reached the final. Following a fierce battle in the semifinal, the HSE students came seventh out of the 250 teams which entered the contest.
Iron Egg – 2013: Best Student Extra-Curricular Projects Winners Announced
On December 4th the Artplay Centre of Design held the 10th ‘Iron Egg’ prize award ceremony for HSE students.