HSE Tenured Professor Oleg Voskoboynikov Has Won the Prix Maurice Wachsmacher
Associate Professor at the Department of Social History Oleg Voskoboynikov has won the Humanities Prize 2014 for his translation into Russian of French art historian Roland Recht’s Le croire et le voir: L'art des cathédrales, XIIe-XVe siècle (Believing and Seeing, The Art of Gothic Cathedrals) in a volume published by the HSE Publishing House. The prize was awarded by the French Ambassador to Russia, Jean-Maurice Ripert who signed a certificate at the ceremony for the winner to travel to France.
A New Research Adventure Begins
On December 4-6, a cross-disciplinary workshop called ‘Cognitive Control, Communication and Perception: Psychological and Neurobiological Aspects’ will be held at Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Dr Pascal Belin, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Aix-Marseille University, Director of the European Center for Research in Medical Imaging, one of the key participants at the event, kindly agreed to speak with the HSE news service and shed some light on his research.
scenarios for Russia’s demographic development up to 2030 were prepared by researchers at the Higher School of Economics’ Institute of Demography.
Universities in Russia and other BRICS countries will cooperate more actively with each other
On December 3, HSE marked ‘Russian Universities’ Day’ – an event held during the BRICS University summit organized by Times Higher Education and the 5/100 Project for Raising the Competitiveness of Russia’s Leading Universities among the top global higher education institutions.
Russian and foreign universities will take part in the Day of Russian Universities, which will be held today at HSE.
Only Muslims can fight radical Islam
On December 3, at a meeting of the HSE's Asian Club, Professor Georgiiy Mirskiy http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/69713 of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs gave a talk about what radical Islam is and the main myths about it.
Competing Laboratories Need Cooperation
Competition among science laboratories often goes hand in hand with mutual assistance, allowing them to maximise their limited resources, such as expertise, grants, equipment, and supplies. Anna Artyushina, postgratuate student at the HSE, studied the trends in laboratory cooperation trends in the biotechnology field – one of the most competitive areas of science.
HSE Researcher Elected Vice-Chair of Council for International Higher Education
Anna Smolentseva, Leading Research Fellow at HSE’s Institute of Education, has been elected Vice-Chair of the Council for International Higher Education (CIHE) of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE).
Higher School of Economics Expands Cooperation with University of Turin
On December 3, 2014 an Italian delegation led by the Rector of the University of Turin, Gianmaria Ajani, visited HSE. First Counsellor of the Embassy of Italy in the Russian Federation, Agostino Pinna and Pietro Fre, Deputy Head of Theoretical Physics Department and Attaché for Science of the Embassy of Italy in the Russian Federation were also present. The heads of the two universities signed two new cooperation agreements to extend the already existing links between them.
HSE at the BRICS Universities Summit
On 3-4 December 2014 the inaugural BRICS and Emerging Economies Universities Summit will take place in Moscow. On 3 December the HSE will host its ‘Russian Universities Day’.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025