400 million roubles
is the minimum amount that could be saved per year for each gigawatt of electricity if new generation power-generating units were installed at coal-fired thermal power plants.
Top 14 Most Interesting Studies in Economics in 2014, Relevant to Russia
How Russia has become an industrial economy; Class bias in Russia's judicial system; Why Russia could benefit from zero import duties with the EU; Why Russian elites prefer foreign jurisdictions; What is fake economic growth; Why the reforms of the 2000s have failed; Whether currency depreciation must inevitably lead to inflation—these were the most interesting research papers in 2014 relevant to Russia, according to Opec.ru.
Employees Ready to Participate in Company Management
Companies with Russian ownership more often than not have an authoritarian style of management, and their employees participate less frequently in making business decisions than their colleagues from foreign companies. This conclusion was drawn by HSE Professor Azer Efendiev in his paper ‘The Political Regime in Russian Business Entities: Results of Empirical Research’, which was presented at the HSE conference ‘Modern Management: Problems, Hypotheses, and Research’.
of Russians who hold doctoral and candidate degrees conduct research in the same academic field as their parents.

'Life Insurance – As a Concept It's Nothing New, It's Just Been Forgotten'
According to Maxim Chernin, director of Sberbank Insurance and HSE graduate, you need to be a good psychologist when proposing life insurance to a client. He tells us what it's like to work in the business of 'human life', whether creativity has any place in insurance work and how to inculcate a culture of medical check-ups.
was the number of additional subject areas covered by HSE researchers’ articles that were published in Web of Science journals in 2014.
Usable Pasts
In 2015, the international master's programme in English will launch, called Applied and Interdisciplinary History 'Usable Pasts'.The programme is headed by Associate Professor at the School of History of the St Petersburg Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Julia Lajus.
Chasing Success May Lead to Burnout
Burnout is a major problem affecting many people today; it is often associated with the accelerating pace of life, society's obsession with consumption, and the pursuit of success. Burnout can equally affect an office employee stuck in a monotonous job and a successful yet disillusioned entrepreneur, according to Alfried A. Laengle, Professor of the HSE's Department of Psychology of Personality and author of the report 'Burnout: Ashes after the Fireworks. Existential and Analytical Understanding and Prevention'.
Sergey Karaganov Is Appointed to the Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project
Chairman of the OSCE, Switzerland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Burkhalter proposed that Sergey A. Karaganov, Dean of HSE’s Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and Honorable Chairman of the Presidium of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, should be included in the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project. The Panel’s first working meeting will be at the Munich Security Conference in February this year.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025