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of students at occupational training schools plan to continue their education in universities, including in full-time divisions. 

Illustration for news: Shadow Theatre, Designer Cake, and other Reasons to Come to the HSE's Art Night

Shadow Theatre, Designer Cake, and other Reasons to Come to the HSE's Art Night

On November 3, Moscow will play host to Art Night. Visitors will be welcomed to theatres, museums, libraries, and higher education institutions. The HSE is also offering its own programme of entertainment — the Art of Dreaming. Here are several reasons why you should make sure you visit the HSE's Art Night.

Illustration for news: HSE Becomes Night of the Arts Platform on Night of November 3-4

HSE Becomes Night of the Arts Platform on Night of November 3-4

During Night of the Arts, guests of HSE’s festival took a stroll on Myasnitskaya Street, which was closed to automobiles specially for the event. Myasnitskaya became the location of a large stage for performances by student groups of the university. More than 50 HSE students and friends sang, danced, and read poems for guests of the celebration, and another 50 worked at the event as volunteers.Instructors from the Faculty of Design had a special exposition called ‘The Latest Teacher’s Exhibition.’ HSE students organized workshops in a hall of the university for sand painting, gift box making, and henna painting. Over 3,000 people visited the event. You can find out more about Night of the Arts at the Higher School of Economics in our photo spread.

International iPIPS Research Evaluates Children’s Success — not Countries’

On October 28, the HSE Institute of Education seminar discussed international comparative research project – iPIPS (The International Performance Indicators in Primary Schools). It examines child development on enrolling in school and during their first year of studies. The research was carried out in the UK, and HSE Institute of Education specialists adapted it – and for the first time carried it out in Russia.

Illustration for news: Faculties Still Expanding at HSE

Faculties Still Expanding at HSE

As part of organizational reform at HSE, two more ‘big’ faculties are being created – the Faculty of Economic Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities. These faculties will include educational and research divisions in their corresponding fields. Changes will also take place in the structure of HSE’s Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

Extracurricular Activities Build Students' Self-esteem

Extracurricular activities continue to be popular among Russian youngsters, and most school students attend after-school clubs and classes, including those offered by their own school. Youngsters who are not involved in any after-school activities explain it by not having enough time or not having access to out-of-school programmes which are either non-existent in their community or out of their price range. These are some of the findings of a study by Daniil Alexandrov, Head of the HSE's Research Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science (St. Petersburg), and Valeria Ivaniushina, Senior Research Fellow of the same Laboratory.

Illustration for news: Future education: Content Tailored to the Student

Future education: Content Tailored to the Student

Research Fellow at the HSE’s Center of Education Quality Monitoring Dmitry Abbakumov, author of the ‘Theory and practice of computerized testing’ lecture course and developer of the ‘Adaptivity Guide’ software which makes it possible to adapt e-courses to students’ abilities. He recently gave a presentation about his research at The 2014 Computerized Adaptive Testing Summit at Princeton and at Edcrunch in Moscow. In his interview, he talks about why adaptive education is the future and how it is developing at HSE.

Illustration for news: HSE. Cornerstone: Milyutinsky Pereulok, 13, Building 1

HSE. Cornerstone: Milyutinsky Pereulok, 13, Building 1

The guesthouse with shops on the corner of Sretensky Pereulok and Milyutinsky Pereulok was built in 1900 by the architect Vladimir Sherwood. In Soviet times, the building housed a medical clinic for the district, which was soon replaced by an Intourist office. This organization had a large fleet of tourist buses, its own staff of guides and interpreters, and a chain of hotels. During the Moscow Olympics in 1980, Intourist was the main organization servicing foreign visitors. Intourist in fact received millions of visitors during the Soviet era.


cartoon posters were made ​​by students from the HSE Faculty of Design for the Big Cartoon Festival, which is currently taking place in Moscow. 

1.6 С

is the average temperature increase every ten years since 1976 in Russia’s environmentally vulnerable regions.