HSE MIEM Students Demonstrate their Developments at Nauka 0+ Science Festival
Dance with a robot, become immersed in virtual reality, mount a weather station, learn about smart home technologies and just have a good time. At Nauka 0+ Science Festival, HSE showed that scientific development can be not only useful, but also accessible to everyone.

Why Economic Forecasters Fail
The human factor, a reluctance to scare investors and the absence of tangible rewards for predicting recessions are some of the reasons why professional forecasters sometimes fail to signal economic downturns. In their study, Sergey Smirnov and Daria Avdeeva found evidence indicating that professional forecasters tend to hold on to optimistic scenarios for too long.
HSE to Participate in NAUKA 0+ Festival
This year’s NAUKA 0+ festival aims to turn science into something anyone can grasp. At the festival, various laboratories and universities open their doors to anyone and everyone with an interest in science and research. What will people learn about HSE at the festival? What new things will they see and discover? Let’s find out!
Doing Business in Russia Continues to Attract Diverse and Talented Students
Last week, HSE’s Doing Business in Russia internship programme held an integration module for students who have completed their 6-month internships at German enterprises based in Russia and students who have just arrived in Russia. Those completing the programme presented group projects on a variety of topics, including project management, intercultural relations, and expat experiences. They also shared their impressions with new participants.
How Children Affect Mother's Career
Mothers of three or more children are four times as likely to be unemployed compared to mothers of one or two children, according to Alina Pishnyak's study 'Employment opportunities and constraints for women in Moscow.'
Neurolinguistics Laboratory Informs Public about Aphasia
Staff members at the HSE Neurolinguistics Laboratory have developed an information booklet for families of people with aphasia - speech disorders caused by brain lesions.
Ensuring Clean Water Is the Only ‘Water Issue’ That Can Be Currently Solved
According to participants in the recent BRICS Water Forum, out of all of the global challenges in regards to water resource management through the use of technological breakthroughs, only keeping water clean can be guaranteed at the moment.
From Local to Global Context
Mikhail Matytsin has worked at the Moscow office of the World Bank for three years, and in autumn, he goes to its head office in Washington. For him, it all started from studying poverty and inequality on the HSE doctoral programme. Or perhaps it came even earlier, from his family, where both Mikhail’s grandfather and father were successful scholars and an inspiring example for the researcher.
Faculty of Physics Opens at HSE
Students at HSE will be able to enroll in undergraduate and Master’s programmes in Physics, starting in 2017. Furthermore, including those working on doctorates, students will also be able to carry out research not only at HSE laboratories, but also several leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), which are launching joint departments with our new faculty.
1 mln
users signed up for HSE courses through Coursera and Russia’s National Open Education Platform