Starting a New International Journal on Russian Politics
A new academic journal, Russian Politics, has just been launched by Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, USA). Three members of the editorial board are representatives of the Higher School of Economics — Professor Andrei Melville, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor Nikolay Petrov and Professor Rostislav Turovsky. The first issue will be published in early 2016 and there will be four issues per year.
HSE Scholars Co-author International Encyclopaedia of the Brain
HSE Scholars Co-author International Encyclopaedia of the Brain Vasily Klucharev, Leading Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, and Anna Shestakova, Director of the Centre, have become co-authors of a chapter in ‘Brain Mapping’, a three-volume encyclopaedic collection.
International Law to Be Discussed at HSE
On the 27th May 2015 Professor Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum, of the University of Tubingen will lead a discussion at the HSE Faculty of Law on Current Problems in International Law. The discussion coincides with the launch of a second Russian edition of his authoritative textbook which describes the branches, institutions and fundamental concepts of international law and its development. The discussion is open to all and will be in English at 10.30 am in room 315, 17 Malaya Ordynka Street.
of Russians believe that they can influence what takes place in the buildings and courtyards where they live.

RLMS HSE: 20 Years On
The 2nd Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey User Conference takes place on the 22nd and 23rd May 2015 at the HSE. Polina Kozyreva, Director of the Centre for Longitudinal Research at HSE tells the story of the project and explains its importance for current academic research.
Building the Largest Database on Sustainable Development and Conflict Transformation to Make the World More Peaceful and Just
On 20th May 2015 Dr Michael Minch, Professor of Philosophy at Utah Valley University, gave an open lecture at HSE Nizhny Novgorod. A specialist with a unique combination of interests ranging from theological ethics to politics, Professor Minch brings together what at first glance appear to be irreconcilable — politics and ethics.
HSE International Laboratories Celebrate 5 Year Anniversary
It is five years since the HSE began setting up international laboratories. HSE’s Deputy Vice-Rector, Marina Litvintseva, Head of Laboratory for Algebraic Geometry, Fedor Bogomolov, and Ronald Inglehart and Eduard Ponarin from HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research reflect on the results of the work conducted last year and on the achievements of the laboratories.
HSE Researcher Publishes an Article in 'Nature Genetics'
Maria Nazarova, Junior Research Fellow at the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making co-authored an article published in Nature Genetics — one of the world’s most authoritative journals, dedicated to the latest achievements in genetics.
Historian and Demographer Focuses on the Role of Forced Displacement in Population History
On Tuesday, May 19, at 6.00 pm, Alain Blum (Centre d’études franco-russe de Moscou, INED and EHESS in Paris) will give a talk at the International Research Seminar in Sociology (School of Sociology) called ‘Forgotten stories of deportees in the USSR — The multiple lives of a single individual’. Ahead of his lecture, he has spoken with the HSE news service on a variety of topics, including his experience as a demographer, his transition into Soviet history, and his upcoming research plans.
Shimada Nobuo on Japanese Swords and the Japanese Soul
On the 15th May, 2015 Shimada Nobuo gave a lecture at HSE on Japanese Military Culture. Shimada Nobuo brought some swords from his own workshop and allowed his audience to hold them while he talked about the enduring Japanese interest in weapons of war and the Japanese soul. Owner of the Yamashiroya gallery and specialist on ancient artefacts, Mr Nobuo advises the Japanese ministry of culture and works with the Hermitage and other museums in St Petersburg and around the world helping them with their Japanese collections. He gave his talk in Japanese with Russian translation. He gave this interview to the HSE News Service.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025