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Starting a New International Journal on Russian Politics

A new academic journal, Russian Politics, has just been launched by Brill Academic Publishers (Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, USA). Three members of the editorial board are representatives of the Higher School of Economics — Professor Andrei Melville, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor Nikolay Petrov and Professor Rostislav Turovsky. The first issue will be published in early 2016 and there will be four issues per year.

Dr Ross, who will be Editor-in-Chief, has said that ‘for a number of years now I have noticed that there is a need for an academic journal which is wholly devoted to Russian Politics. There are a number of well-established journals that deal with all of the post-communist countries in the communist and post-communist periods but none is solely devoted to post-communist Russia. This will be the only English language journal which is wholly devoted to Russian politics broadly defined to include: politics, political economy, political sociology, law, and foreign policy in the post-communist period.’

The key aim of the journal will be to act as a bridge of communication between scholars in the West and the Russian Federation. The journal has a world-class editorial board which includes many top scholars from Russia.

The target audience of the journal will be academics, postgraduates and post-doctoral researchers studying Russian politics and scholars in political science, sociology, and international affairs writ large. The principal subscribers will be universities, research institutes and individual members of the academic community. There is also a substantial governmental/civil service, business, consulting and policy-making community that have an interest in Russia. The journal invites submissions in English. Articles should be 7000–8000 words long. In exceptional circumstances articles submitted in Russian will be considered.

Brill Academic Publishers are based in Leiden, Netherlands and have offices in Boston, USA. They currently publish over 200 academic journals.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editors

  • Professor Vladimir Gelman (European University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation and University of Helsinki, Finland) 
  • Professor Regina Smyth, Indiana University, Indiana, USA

Editorial Board

  • Dr. Max Bader, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Professor Irina Busygina*, Moscow State Institute of International Affairs
  • Dr. Paul Chaisty, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford.
  • Professor Cheng Chen, University at Albany, SUNY, New York, USA
  • Professor Joan DeBardeleben, Carleton University, Canada.
  • Dr. Peter Duncan, University College London, School of Slavonic & East European Studies.
  • Professor Graeme Gill, University of Sydney. President of ICCEES.  
  • Professor Grigorii Golosov, European University at St. Petersburg.
  • Dr Samuel Greene, Director of King’s Russian Institute, King’s College, London.
  • Dr. Henry Hale, Director, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
  • Professor Steven Hanson, College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA. President of ASEES.
  • Dr. Tomila Lankina, London School of Economics, London, UK.
  • Professor Boris Makarenko, Chair of the Centre for Political Technologies, Moscow.
  • Dr. Sirke Mäkinen, University of Tampere, Finland 
  • Dr Luke March, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Professor Andrei Melville, Dean of Politics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
  • Professor Ellen Mickiewicz, Duke University, USA.
  • Professor Viacheslav Morozov, University of Tartu, Estonia.
  • Professor Petr Panov, University of Perm, Russian Federation.
  • Professor Nikolay Petrov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
  • Dr. Paul Goode, University of Oklahoma, USA.
  • Professor William Reisinger, University of Iowa, USA.
  • Professor Neil Robinson, University of Limerick, Ireland.
  • Professor Richard Sakwa, University of Kent at Canterbury.
  • Professor Hans-Henning Schroeder, German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
  • Dr. Sinikukka Saari, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Professor Rudra Sil, University of Pennsylvania
  • Professor Kathryn Stoner-Weiss, Stanford University, USA.
  • Professor Rostislav Turovsky, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
  • Professor Stephen White, University of Glasgow.

For further information please contact Cameron Ross, c.z.ross@dundee.ac.uk

According to the University of Dundee


* Irina Busygina (Ирина Бусыгина) включена Минюстом в Реестр иностранных агентов.