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Vasily Klucharev: ‘Our Brain Identifies Losing Money and Standing out from the Crowd as Catastrophes’

There are numerous ways of impacting people’s decisions, you can convince, intimidate, hypnotise, or use particular tools on certain parts of the brain. Why do scientists do this and what do these experiments show? Vasily Klucharev, Head of HSE’s School of Psychology answers questions posed by Olga Orlova, who hosts the Hamburg Score programme on Russia’s Public Television Channel.


of professional and vocational schools in Russia are currently not enrolling students for professional education programmes due to a lack of demand.


of managers at large and medium-sized Russian industrial companies report that the financial and economic situation of their enterprises was ‘satisfactory’.

Professional Development Mostly Limited to Intellectuals

In Russia, access to professional development is determined by one's occupation, as well as job position, company size, and characteristics of the local labour market. Skilled personnel in non-physical jobs and public sector employees are more likely to pursue professional development, while low-skilled employees in private firms are effectively excluded from any such opportunity, according to Vasiliy Anikin, Assistant Professor of the HSE Department of Applied Economics.


of students who attend schools in the inner Moscow suburbs are children whose native language is not Russian.

Life of the Russian Regions is Hidden from the Government

About 40% of the Russian able-bodied population are employed in the informal sector of the economy. This is a competitive market economy. Subsistence production, distributed manufacturing, ‘garage production’, seasonal work and various cottage industries flourish in the Russian regions. The economies of many small cities feature strict specialization and developed cooperation, in the context of internal competition between families and clans. These are the findings of HSE professors  Simon Kordonsky  and  Yury Pliusnin  in their study ‘Social Structure of the Russian Provinces’.


U.S. dollars, or 11 euros, was the amount spent per person in Russia in 2014 on preventing cardiovascular disease.


is the number of times that at least one family member having a higher education reduces the risk that the family will fall into poverty.

20,400 roubles

was the average monthly earnings of a full-time student who worked alongside university study in 2014.


of full-time university teachers are involved in scientific work.