HSE Will Confer its Own Degrees
A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Victims Rather Than Enemies
A series of in-depth interviews conducted by HSE researchers reveal what young residents of Dagestan think of their peers who have joined ISIL. The latter tend to be perceived as victims of brainwashing and unresolved social problems rather than enemies, the study shows.

When Russian Teenagers Start Drinking
High school students intending to pursue vocational education consume alcohol more often than their peers who are planning to go to universities. These findings come from a survey of 1,000 Russian high school students that was carried out as part of a joint research project by scholars from HSE and New York University.
Graduate School of Urbanism and AA School of Architecture Hold Joint Workshop in Moscow
On July 17-28 an intensive course titled ‘In-transition lab: Structure as an Urban Catalyst’ by the Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism (Moscow) and the Architectural Association School of Architecture (London) was held at Moscow’s Shukhov lab.

How Women Perpetuate Gender Stereotypes
In a conservative society, women as well as men tend to hold sexist attitudes towards other women, treating them with disrespect and criticising them either for being too feminine and sexual or for taking on traditionally 'male' roles. This type of gender bias assumes a limited range of 'female' roles in society. Misogyny and distrust of women's abilities can generate a fear of femininity, according to Olga Savinskaya and Elizaveta Zakharova's paper Using Mixed Methods to Study Internalised Misogyny among Millennial Women.
Who is the Head of the Household?
In Russia, self-estimates of time spent doing housework stand at five hours a day for women and slightly more than three hours a day for men.Men's involvement in household chores is relatively low, but Russian society finds this fair, according to Svetlana Biryukova, Alla Makarentseva and Ekaterina Tretyakova's study 'Perceptions of Time Spent on Housework among Men and Women'.

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.
‘Mirror Symmetry Was Discovered by Physicists, But Very Quickly Got the Attention of Mathematicians…’
The HSE International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms, which is among several international laboratories to recently open within the Higher School of Economics, was created in December 2016 as part of the Russian government’s mega-grants program. Below, the lab’s academic supervisor, Ludmil Katzarkov, along with deputy heads Valery Gritsenko and Viktor Przyjalkowski, explain why the laboratory is fully capable of becoming a unique multidisciplinary unit dedicated to the study of mirror symmetry, automorphic forms, and number theory.
Researchers Uncover How to Boost Learning Efficiency in Neurofeedback Paradigm
Researchers from the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making and the Control of Complex Systems Laboratory (Russian Academy of Sciences) have conducted a series of experiments to uncover what a person actually controls when they are tasked with independently affecting the activity of their own brain. This discovery may help develop non-pharmacological methods for treating epilepsy, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and depression.

HSE Researchers Receive a Grant to Search for New Physics
A team of researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) has won a contest held by the Presidential Research Funding Programme. Researchers with the laboratory are developing a system of algorithms that will help physicists look for new particles in the Large Hadron Collider.