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Tuesday, March 11


Masha Volina to speak on 'Demonstrative Pronouns in Khwarshi'

Illustration for news: Technological Unemployment

Technological Unemployment

In his book, Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, futurist Martin Ford warns of 75% unemployment by 2100, as robots will finally defeat humans and half of all existing occupations will disappear. Should we believe it? Prominent Russian economist and deputy director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies Rostislav Kapeliushnikov does not think so. According to his paper 'Is Technological Change a Devourer of Jobs?'', predictions of a 'labour market apocalypse' with mass loss of jobs caused by technological progress are unfounded.

‘Mega-grants’ for HSE Research Departments

The Russian government recently announced the results of the sixth round of ‘mega-grants’ for research at Russian universities and research centres. Among the winners there are three HSE research projects.

Illustration for news: Experiencing Culture Shock

Experiencing Culture Shock

Conscious decision-making and internalized intentions, as opposed to extrinsic influencing factors, are the key to a student’s successful adaption to life in a foreign country. This was confirmed by research carried out by a group of scientists which included Ken Sheldon, Academic Supervisor and Head of the International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation at the Higher School of Economics.

Illustration for news: 'A Person’s Importance Is Determined not by Their Position, but by the Results of Their Work'

'A Person’s Importance Is Determined not by Their Position, but by the Results of Their Work'

Maria Yudkevich, Vice Rector, Director of the Institute for Institutional Research, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Head of the International Research Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, and member of the HSE Academic Council, spoke on her path towards academia, research projects and achievements, as well as shared her thoughts on HSE research development.

French Scholar to Speak on the Role of Public Policy in Alleviating Housing Market Tension

On November 27, Sonia Guelton, who teaches Real Estate Economics, Public Finance, and Development Economics at University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), will arrive at HSE to deliver several lectures over the course of a week at the Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism. Her lectures will cover housing market tensions in the EU, density in housing markets, and the role of public policy in addressing these issues. Ahead of her visit, she spoke with the HSE News Service in depth about her lectures, her research interests, and the lessons she has learned over the course of her career.

Illustration for news: Suspicious Other

Suspicious Other

In many countries, human empowerment – including freedom of expression and action – tends to increase people’s generalised trust in other people, particularly strangers. However, such an increase is usually gradual, reaching its peak in affluent, modernised democracies. In contrast, in countries with below-average levels of development, people, especially educated ones, often demonstrate a lack of trust in strangers, according to HSE researchers.

Economic Growth: The Role of Human Capital

On November 10, Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and Professor at the London School of Economics, spoke at HSE ICEF. His lecture on human capital and its impact on economic growth commemorated the 20th anniversary of ICEF.

Illustration for news: Visual Perception of Summary Statistics Not Following Mathematical Rules

Visual Perception of Summary Statistics Not Following Mathematical Rules

Cognitive psychologists of the Higher School of Economics have experimentally demonstrated that people are capable of estimating the mean size of visible objects and their approximate number simultaneously, showing for the first time that these two cognitive processes are independent of each other and do not follow the rules of mathematical statistics. The results of this experiment, published in PLOS One, can inform new approaches to statistical data visualisation and statistical education.

Riccardo Cucciolla – Pursuing Postdoctoral Studies on the History of Soviet Uzbekistan

On November 1, Riccardo Cucciolla began a postdoctoral fellowship at the HSE International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences. During his year at HSE, he intends to pursue a research project that follows from his dissertation entitled ‘The Crisis of Soviet Power in Central Asia: The Uzbek Cotton Affair (1975–1991)’, which he wrote while completing a PhD in Political History at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Lucca, Italy.

Illustration for news: How HSE Popularizes Science

How HSE Popularizes Science

World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated on November 10. The day aims to promote research achievements and foster further research development. HSE puts great effort into popularizing research carried out at the university.