The Brain Is a Network of Networks. Scientists Have Found a Way to Unravel Them
A team of researchers from HSE University and the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AIRI) have demonstrated the effectiveness of the PSIICOS method they had previously developed for non-invasive mapping the neural networks in the brain based on its electrical activity. Unlike other methods, it does not search for individual neuronal sources to be then combined into networks but instead looks directly for the functional networks of interconnected neuronal populations—and does so swiftly and accurately. The study findings have been published in NeuroImage.

‘This Is a New Chapter in My Career and I Want to Write It in a Cool Manner’
In the 2023/24 academic year, the Bachelor’s programme in Software Engineering at HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science has a new academic supervisor. Nikolay Pavlochev has experience in successfully implementing initiatives for the development of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). At Acronis, a company working in the field of backup and data recovery protection systems, he has worked with leading technical universities in Singapore, Switzerland, Germany, Bulgaria, and the USA. In our interview, he spoke about how he came to the Faculty of Computer Science and what his programme development strategy is.

Student of HSE Art and Design School Becomes Finalist of Italian Film Festival
The work by Sofia Fedotova, 4th-year student of the Bachelor's track 'Communication Design' at HSE Campus in St Petersburg, has made it to the final of the MAX3MIN 'very short' film festival in Italy.

HSE University and Federal University of Minas Gerais Sign Exchange Agreement
The signing of an academic exchange agreement between HSE University and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) is another important step in the development of international partnerships and strengthening academic ties between Russia and Brazil. The agreement opens up new possibilities for students and researchers and lays a foundation for future cooperation and innovation in various scientific fields.

Artificial Feelings: How AI and Robots Understand, Express and Experience Emotions
Today, neural networks can easily identify emotions in texts, photos and videos. The next step is modelling them—an essential component of full-fledged intelligence in people and machines alike.

Videos by the Media Accelerator for NGOs at the Faculty of Creative Industries Receive Awards at LAMP International Film Festival
On October 8, 2023, the award ceremony of the LAMP international impact film festival took place in Perm. In the ‘Social video advertising’ category, the jury recognized ‘Remove the stigma of HIV’ (directed by Maria Koneva, produced by Vadim Dolgikh) as the best video about discriminated people with HIV. Two other videos from the project – ‘Still Life’ (directed by Boris Chertkov, produced by Eleonora Klementyeva) about foodsharing and ‘Dobrovorot’ (directed by Maria Koneva, produced by Vadim Dolgikh) about secondhand clothing consumption – were also winners at the festival.

HSE Online Campus Holds Inaugural Ceremony for First-Year Students
At HSE Online Day, online bachelor’s and master’s students learned more about the university environment and online social life, attended lectures on careers and skills from HSE and industry experts, and participated in a quiz by the Career Centre. The event took place on October 17.

HSE Design Lab Develops New Navigation System for Ice Arena
In early October, the HSE Design Lab presented a new project at the HSE Art and Design School. A team of teachers and students has developed a navigation system for the G-Drive sports arena in Omsk. The ice stadium, which is home to the Omsk hockey club Avangard, opened in 2022 and seats 12,000 spectators.
'Our Objective is to Transform Perm into a Prosperous, Influential City'
HSE graduate Eduard Sosnin has recently taken office as Mayor of Perm, a city with a population of one million and tremendous industrial potential. In this interview with Success Builder, he shares how the university played a pivotal role in helping him establish a successful business, his reasons for transitioning from business to civil service, and the primary objectives that must be addressed by the head of administration in a major metropolis.

‘A Night Owl and a Morning Lark Are Battling inside Me’
Vadim Mykolaenko is able to stay up working until late at night and then go for a run at seven in the morning—he gets so much energy from his life as a young HSE University scientist. In this interview with the Young Scientists project, Mr. Mykolaenko spoke about his subject area, his attitude to grades, and his love for music and cycling.