Learn How to Make a Difference
Marina Chashko, HSE student on Master’s Programme in Foreign Languages and Cross-cultural Communication, has participated in the first University Model United Nations in Venice as a representative of the New Zealand delegation in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee. Marina has talked about her experience and explained why taking part in MUN is critical for all young people interested in the current international situation, even for linguists.
How Geek Can Become Entrepreneur: Advice from Uber Founder
Travis Kalanick, founder and CEO of Uber, met some HSE students and told them what qualities a successful entrepreneur should have and why there is space for magic in business.
International Spring School on Human Rights Debates Issues of Religion, Identity and Freedom of Conscience
In May, the HSE Voronovo Learning Centre hosted the International Spring School on Human Rights, a five-day educational retreat organized jointly by the HSE Department of Public Policy, the University of Bologna and the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
749 Applications
from 18 countries were submitted for the third Innovation in Education Contest. The number of people wishing to take part in the competition increases year-on-year: in 2014 – 577 applications were received, and in 2015 – 678.
52 HSE Students Awarded Presidential Grants
Russian Presidential grants for first year BA students at Russian universities have been awarded for the first time for the 2015/2016 academic year. HSE students were among the top recipients.
Partnership with National Instruments Rises to a New Strategic Level
On May 24, 2016, Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector, and the management of National Instruments (USA) signed a memorandum of cooperation. The global objective is the creation of National Centre for Engineering and Commercialization of Research and Development on the basis of the Higher School of Economics.
Hobbies and Clubs Can Keep Youth Away from Alcohol
Youth in medium-sized and small towns who engage in after-school activities such as hobby clubs are less likely to drink alcohol. Generally, school-age youth in communities with higher educational levels, social and professional status are less vulnerable to alcohol abuse.
Projects by HSE School of Design Students Exhibited at Venice Biennale
Ksenia Ermakova, Sofya Paymanova, and Natalia Chernobrova, third- and fourth-year students of the HSE School of Design, have presented their vision of VDNH’s reconstruction as part of the Russian Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale.
The Mission of New Universities
On May 19-21, St. Petersburg hosted the third International Conference on Education and Global Cities: Horizons for the Contemporary University. The conference saw the participation of representatives from universities in Hong Kong, Torino, Newcastle, Beijing, Oslo, Brussels, and beyond. It also featured more than 20 plenary sessions, round tables, lectures, and seminars.
HSE Business Incubator Named Incubator of the Year by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund
The HSE’s business incubator was recognized by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) as Incubator of the Year in the first youth internet entrepreneurship forum.