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Illustration for news: The Keepers of the Ruble

The Keepers of the Ruble

Post-Soviet life and the economic ups and downs of recent years have changed the attitude of Russians towards saving. Now, it is not the less fortunate who save, but the more intelligent, according to Elena Berdysheva and Regina Romanova. Or, more to the point, it’s the more intelligent women: domestic finances are usually dealt with by females. At HSE’s recent XIX April International Academic Conference, researchers explained how Russians adjusted and optimized family budgets following the crisis of 2014-2017 and how this relates to gender issues.

Illustration for news: BRICS Countries Look for Their Place in Biotechnology Market

BRICS Countries Look for Their Place in Biotechnology Market

Over the past 20 years, the BRICS countries' contribution to biotechnology development has increased manyfold, but it may be too early to predict a change of global leaders in this field, according to HSE ISSEK researchers who examined biotechnology patenting in the BRICS countries and published their findings in Trends in Biotechnology.

I’m (Not) Afraid to Say: What Are the Limits of Frankness in Posts about Sexual Violence

The #imnotafraidtosay (Russian: #янебоюсьсказать) flashmob on Facebook and other online actions against sexual violence have helped victims to speak out about the problem and get psychological support from the web. At the same time, full frankness is hardly possible in such projects. It is directly related to anonymity. According to HSE researchers, the most painful experiences are still muted in groups where the discussants use their real names.

Instagram Micro-celebrities: What Factors Contribute to Online Endorser Credibility and Influence Consumer Behaviour?

Physical attractiveness, high-quality photos, interesting content, engagement with the audience, and subject competence are the key contributing factors to Instagram micro-celebrities' success, according to a study which examines the influence of online celebrity endorsers on consumer purchase intentions.

Logic of Ignorance: Why Russian Oil Companies Are not Responsive to Environmental Concerns

Senior management of Russian oil companies lack environmental awareness and refuse to invest in environmental safety, according to Sofia Villo, who has examined the operations of Russia's major oil producer from an ecological perspective.

Illustration for news: Machine Learning Helping to Save Money at CERN

Machine Learning Helping to Save Money at CERN

Researchers at HSE’s Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) and the Yandex School of Data Analysis have significantly reduced the cost of CERN’s future SHiP detector. The detector will search for particles responsible for still unexplained phenomena in the Universe. With use of modern machine learning methods, LAMBDA and Yandex scientists came up with very effective configuration of magnets which protect the detector from background particles. As a result, the cost of the entire structure was reduced by 25%.

This Is How We Will Win!

HSE experts have determined that the overconfidence of head football coaches is positively connected with the results of the team. Researchers analysed the behaviour of coaches in the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL). The results of the study have been published in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.

Illustration for news: Economics of eSports

Economics of eSports

Per capita GDP can make a difference in a country’s performance in competitive computer gaming, according to a study conducted by researchers at HSE Perm. While a substantial amount of research focuses on traditional sports, few studies have so far examined eSports. Two HSE researchers examined a resource providing information on tournaments, winners and prizes – for country-level determinants of performance in competitive computer gaming. 

Consuming More: Why Economic Growth Does Not Necessarily Contribute To Human Happiness

Economic growth in developed countries has a dual effect. On one hand, people's living standards and consumer spending are on the rise, but on the other hand, this does not necessarily make people happy and may in fact erode subjective wellbeing and lead to economic crises. A new study co-authored by Francesco Sarracino, HSE LCSR Senior Associate Researcher, examines the reasons behind this phenomenon.

How to Get the Most out of Foreign Investment

Researchers at the Higher School of Economics (HSE University) have revealed that Russian companies need to invest in the development of intellectual resources in order to maximize the benefits from partners in developed countries. Results of the study have been published in the journal, Knowledge Management Research & Practice.