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BRICS Civil Forum

Applications for participation can be submitted until June 20, 2024 

Illustration for news: How Cities Will Change After the Pandemic

How Cities Will Change After the Pandemic

Traditional urban planning in the United States and Europe developed in response to the epidemics of cholera, tuberculosis, and typhoid. In an op-ed for RBC, Nadezhda Khort, curator of the Shukhov Laboratory of Experimental Urban Design and the Master’s programme ‘Prototyping Future Cities’ in the Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, considers the skills and practices cities should employ in post-pandemic urban development.

Illustration for news: HSE Study Findings: 74 Percent of Teachers Who Did Not Employ Online Resources Now Use Them

HSE Study Findings: 74 Percent of Teachers Who Did Not Employ Online Resources Now Use Them

A large-scale study conducted by the HSE Laboratory for Media Communications in Education found that the situation with online education is better than was first thought when schools had to switch to Internet-based learning to help stop the spread of coronavirus infections.

Illustration for news: HSE University Re-Launches Monitoring Study of the Population’s Social Well-Being

HSE University Re-Launches Monitoring Study of the Population’s Social Well-Being

The HSE Institute for Social Policy is renewing its monitoring of the population’s socio-economic status and social well-being. The first issue includes a 2019 summary and short analysis of the trends related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Experts have concluded that many unfavourable trends were not overcome last year and that the current crisis will worsen the situation.

Illustration for news: Buckle Up! Will the Pandemic Usher in the End of the Public Transportation Era?

Buckle Up! Will the Pandemic Usher in the End of the Public Transportation Era?

Mikhail Blinkin, Director of the HSE Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy Studies, speculated about whether private automobile transportation will expel buses and trams from city streets in the post-virus future.

Illustration for news: Countries Strengthen Scientific Cooperation in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

Countries Strengthen Scientific Cooperation in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

The OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (STP) held its first meeting of the year in early April. HSE staff members Mikhail Gershman, Dirk Meissner and Elena Sabelnikova joined Ministry of Education and Science representatives as members of the Russian delegation to the event. Here, they explain which approaches participants discussed for combating the coronavirus and for preventing other global crises.

Illustration for news: Russian Economic Prospects: Moderately Optimistic Forecasts

Russian Economic Prospects: Moderately Optimistic Forecasts

From April 6–7, the HSE Centre of Development Institute conducted a special survey among professional forecasters on the Russian economy’s prospects for 2020-2021. The experts expect a decline this year due to the coronavirus pandemic and low oil prices this year, but predict that the losses will be fully recouped in 2021.

Illustration for news: A Viral Critique of Modern Society

A Viral Critique of Modern Society

The coronavirus pandemic is transforming modern society, reviving old social practices and formulas such as the Russian ‘flat-car-dacha’ principle, while opening new technological frontiers and creating new cultural skills. Professor Vitaly Kurennoy, Head of HSE’s School of Cultural Studies, discusses these issues in an op-ed for Izvestiia. Read the full translation of the article below.

Illustration for news: Weakening Ruble Likely to Render Dozens of Industries Unprofitable

Weakening Ruble Likely to Render Dozens of Industries Unprofitable

Imports account for over 15% of about a quarter of Russian manufacturing industries’ expenditures. With the ruble weakening in value, manufacturers’ expenses on raw materials and components they have to purchase from abroad will rise, which will likely bring their profits to zero. According to projections by the HSE Centre of Development Institute, 64% of import-dependent industries run the risk of becoming unprofitable if the exchange rate reaches 80 rubles to the dollar.

Illustration for news: Popularizing the Humanities vs. the Natural Sciences

Popularizing the Humanities vs. the Natural Sciences

Hearing about research advances in medicine, biology, or physics in public discourse is a common occurrence. However, the question of whether scholarly activity in the social sciences and the humanities should be popularized has always been left unanswered. What are the features of communication between humanities and society and the media? Are different fields of knowledge popularized differently? Physicists, linguists, sociologists, science communicators, and journalists discussed this question on the eve of the Day of Russian Science at the Total Dictation Conference in Moscow.

Illustration for news: HSE Experts Discuss Human Capital at World Bank Office in Moscow

HSE Experts Discuss Human Capital at World Bank Office in Moscow

On January 29 HSE experts participated in a seminar on ‘Skills and Returns on Education in the Russian Federation’ at the World Bank office in Moscow. The seminar was held as part of the analytical support programme for Russia’s national priority project ‘Education’.