The Future of Business Depends on Developing Countries
The 6th International Summer School ‘Exploring Entrepreneurship’ in Moscow has come to an end. At the school, students from Russian, Dutch, British and other European universities tried to identify the main factors that will influence the future development of small and medium-sized businesses around the world.
Seventy Percent of Russians Not Interested in Museums
Access to cultural heritage, including museums, is guaranteed under numerous international and domestic Russian documents, but certain disadvantaged groups are unable to exercise this right in practice, according to the report 'Access to Russian Museums: Internal and External Factors' by Tatyana Abankina, Director of the HSE’s Centre for Applied Economic Research.
of Russian families do not have the opportunity to choose which school their children attend. In recent years, this situation has worsened; five years ago, only 51% of families did not have a choice. Residents of villages, people with low income and people whose children perform poorly in schools are most often deprived of alternatives.
Hounds of the Baskervilles from radiant plastic will be printed on the 3D printer of Fablab (HSE Prototyping Centre) at the ‘THANK YOU, LETO’ English culture festival. The festival will take place at the Sokolniki Park on August 23.
International Research School on Information Retrieval Takes Place in Nizhny Novgorod
The 8th RuSSIR-2014 (Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval), organized by the Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod and ROMIP, has ended.
To Enjoy Academic Freedom at the HSE
Dr. Dina Balalaeva, who will begin a tenure-track position at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the HSE in September, recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the HSE. She received her PhD in Political Science at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2013. She agreed to speak with the HSE news service about her decision to make her career at the HSE and her plans for future research and teaching.
International Lessons in Cyber Law
HSE’s international summer school on cyber law took place for its third time this year and saw the participation of young academics from Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Armenia, India and a number of other countries. Invited experts included Gaetano Dimita of Queen Mary University of London, Giovanni Riccio of the University of Salerno, and David Bernstein from IBM Israel.
London to Host HSE Postgraduates for Internships
Three scholarships are being offered to HSE postgraduate students by the FMIM Centre for Qualitative Finance, which was created this summer by HSE’s International Laboratory of Quantitative Finance together with London-based investment company FMIM.
colouring pictures were created by students of the HSE’s School of Design for children who are undergoing treatment at the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Centre.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025