Three New Novels on HSE’s Living Pages Project
Three new novels are now available on the Living Pages app library: Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, The Captain's Daughter by Alexander Pushkin, and The Twelve Chairs by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov. The app was developed by the HSE School of Linguistics together with Samsung and experts from Tolstoy Digital group.
HSE Student Named Human Rights Activist of the Year
HSE Faculty of Law student Victor Vorobyev has won the Third National Student Watch Prize for Protecting the Rights of University and College Students in the ‘Human Rights Activist of the Year’ category.
What HSE Students Do in Their Free Time — Stats
Participation in student organizations is an important part of life at HSE. There are about 80 different communities engaged in almost all kinds of activities, from dancing to parliamentary debates. People can also try to do their part and join a charity.

Life in Russia: Myths VS. Reality
Moving to another country is always a challenge. But when it comes to moving to Russia, this challenge is particularly interesting. Teodora Delcheva, an exchange student from University College London explores eight myths about Russia and how they compare to reality.
From Chaotic Dynamics to Process Mining
Sergey Shershakov is 2012 graduate of the HSE master’s programme in System and Software Engineering, lecturer of a course in Data Algorithms and Structures, a researcher at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab), and participant of the Young Faculty Support Programme in the Category ‘New Researchers’. Sergey told us what Process Mining is, how to keep your knowledge up-to-date without working in the industry, and why HSE graduates don’t have to ‘forget everything they’ve been taught’.

Eurasian Studies is on the Rise
HSE launches its new graduate programme, Comparative Politics of Eurasia. To understand just why Russian and international students and academics are taking notice, we spoke with Academic Supervisor, Dr. Dmitry Goncharov, who shows how the demand for specialists is pushing growth in this field.
Computer Modelling Used to Create New Generation Medicines
Structure and Dynamics of α-hairpinin Peptide Tk-hefu2 in Water: Computer Simulations, an article in which HSE researchers make discoveries relevant to a variety of fields, including mathematics, information science, physics, and biology, opens up new opportunities for medicines to arise that regulate the function of potassium channels that ensure the vital functioning of human cells.
What Businesses HSE Graduates Have
The Alumni Centre has published a study tracking graduate entrepreneurial activities. The study is ongoing, and any HSE graduate with their own business can participate.

HSE Researchers Compare Performance in Mathematics for Children Starting School in Russia, Scotland and England
Researchers from the HSE Institute of Education have adapted and begun using an assessment tool for comparing the knowledge and skills of children starting school. Their first results were obtained from a sample of children starting school in Russia and the UK.
Differentiation Between Universities Grows as Online Education Goes Global
How universities develop across the world will be defined by changing technologies, the increase in consumer demand for education, and the creation of alternative systems for testing proficiency among other factors. HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov touched on these and other issues during the discussion on ‘Universities 3.0: Is the Future Near?’ at the Gaidar Forum on January 14. He identified 7 factors that will define how higher education develops over the coming 25 years.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025