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Illustration for news: Russian Museum of Ethnography to Hold Exhibition of Student Works

Russian Museum of Ethnography to Hold Exhibition of Student Works

The Russian Museum of Ethnography and the HSE Art and Design School St. Petersburg will present an exhibition of works by the school’s students. The HSE OPEN DAYS: Poster, Sign, Book exhibition will run at the museum from September 15–26.

Illustration for news: Researchers Discover How to Obtain ‘Ideal’ 3D Cell Cultures for Cancer Research

Researchers Discover How to Obtain ‘Ideal’ 3D Cell Cultures for Cancer Research

A group of scientists from Hungary, Russia and Finland have developed a system capable of selecting cancer cells of a specific shape and size—spheroids. SpheroidPicker, the first AI device of its kind, enables a more standardized approach to working with tumour samples. The results of the research have been published in the journal Scientific Reports. One of researchers who worked on the project is Nikita Moshkov, Junior Research Fellow of the Laboratory on AI for Computational Biology.

Illustration for news: ‘It Was Interesting to Showcase a Unique Student Project’

‘It Was Interesting to Showcase a Unique Student Project’

Held as part of the Second New Knowledge Marathon, the fourth HSE Science Battles attracted a wide audience. HSE Students Frol Sapronov, Marina Kasyulina, and Vsevolod Nikolsky took part in the competition’s new televised format to demonstrate how to talk about science vividly and in simple terms understandable to any audience.

Illustration for news: The Fourth ICEF Conference on Applied Economics to Take Place on September 25

The Fourth ICEF Conference on Applied Economics to Take Place on September 25

The Fourth ICEF Conference on Applied Economics will present the studies conducted by scholars at the universities across the world, that relate to education. We talked with Fabian Slonimczyk, an Associate Professor at ICEF and the conference organizing committee member, to learn more about the highlights of this year’s conference.

Illustration for news: Five HSE University’s Master’s Programmes Consistently Appear in QS Business Masters Ranking

Five HSE University’s Master’s Programmes Consistently Appear in QS Business Masters Ranking

For the second year in a row, five HSE University master’s programmes have appeared in the QS Business Masters ranking. Moreover, the programmes in International Business and Financial Economics have improved their positions in the Top 100 of the ranking.

Illustration for news: A ‘Digital Professor’ on How to Combine Education with Entertainment

A ‘Digital Professor’ on How to Combine Education with Entertainment

Dr. Ger Graus, Global Director of Education at KidZania, is a visiting lecturer invited to work remotely with HSE University students. Last academic year, Dr. Graus conducted a series of seminars on ‘Schooling vs Education’ for students of the Master's programme in Educational Administration.

Illustration for news: Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Held at HSE University

Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Held at HSE University

The second international Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics took place on August 23–27. This year’s school featured 533 participants from 53 countries.

Illustration for news: The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

Although many studies point to highly negative trends in returns to education in Russia, the situation actually appears to be stable and without any signs of overinvestment in human capital. This is the conclusion of Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Deputy Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of his research are presented in the article ‘Returns to Education in Russia: Nowhere Below?’ published in the 8th issue of the Voprosy Ekonomiky journal.

Illustration for news: ‘The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past’

‘The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past’

This summer, the HSE Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences was reorganized to become the HSE Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies. Oleg Budnitskii, Doctor of Historical Sciences, head of the Centre and director of the Institute, talked to the HSE News Service about the new division.

Illustration for news: A University for All: HSE Rector on What Makes a Modern Global University

A University for All: HSE Rector on What Makes a Modern Global University

HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov has given an interview to RBC TV as part of the Eastern Economic Forum. Mr. Anisimov discussed his reception after joining the university, this year’s admissions campaign, working with Yaroslav Kuzminov, global trends in education and new subject areas for HSE University students. The HSE News service reports on the key points of the interview.