First Simultaneous Observation of a Fast Radio Burst in Radio and Gamma Bands
A team of scientists from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, HSE University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI) and NASA announced the first simultaneous observation of a fast radio burst from a galactic object and its 'equivalent' in the X-ray range. The source direction of the burst coincides with the position of the active magnetar SGR 1935+2154, and analysis of the signal in the two energy bands will improve our understanding of the nature of fast radio burst phenomena. The results are published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
Dust Cloud around the Moon
HSE researchers, together with colleagues from Space Research Institute of RAS, MIPT, and the University of Colorado, ventured to find out where the plasma-dust cloud around the Moon comes from. To do this, they compared theoretical calculations with experimental data and theorized that this cloud likely consists of matter that rose from the Moon’s surface as a result of meteoroid collisions.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025