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‘Management in Emerging Markets: Trends and Strategies’: Version 2013

Eleven master’s programme students from Russia and other countries, such as the USA, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, participated in the international HSE summer school ‘Management in Emerging Markets: Trends and Strategies’. The organizer of the school, Professor Irina Volkova of the HSE Department of General and Strategic Management, defined the school’s mission as follows:

— We strive to provide students with the opportunity to gain basic experience in the management of companies that are prominent in the Russian market, and to demonstrate to them the importance of cross-cultural, inter-ethnic communication.

The students communicated with businesspeople and were able to get an inside look at the process of decision making and business modeling. They also discussed the companies’ competitive advantages. The school’s students became acquainted with the activities of companies such as Sovkombank, Jaguar, Intertech Accenture, and others.

School participants shared their impressions of the school:

Anna Arisova (the HSE, Russia):

— For me, this summer school turned out to be a school of life that taught me not to fear difficulties and to find a way out of any situation. The intensive schedule, English-only communication, and team debates also helped me. For me, the school certificate I received is a symbol of quality–not only of the knowledge I gained but also the life skills. Communicating with Americans helped me to learn a great deal about foreign methods of solving cases, the information search process, making presentations, and also about their actual problems, lifestyle, and traditions. I’d like to add that I felt absolutely comfortable communicating with all the students due to the high level of trust among us, regardless of nationality, gender, age, and social class.

Stefan Michalski (The University of Richmond, USA):

— It’s my first time in Russia. What did I expect? I guess, I expected the people and businesses I came across to be very unusual, but it turned out that our countries had a lot in common. Our teachers explained to us in a clear and understandable way the mechanisms of the developing Russian market. They motivated students and gave them interesting cases. All the students were friendly. I’ve gotten many interesting and innovative ideas from them. They just opened up Russia to me!

Dustin Fosness (The University of Richmond, USA):

— The summer school is a good starting point, even for establishing your own business in Russia. But I was more interested in the development of this country’s infrastructure and the management of its markets. That’s why I listened to the HSE’s top professors and experts carefully and tried to understand the changing trends and to establish a parallel with US business processes. It was simple and easy to exchange opinions with the other students. We had a lot of fun and shared some good laughs.

See also:

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics

From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004). 

'These Are Unforgettable Impressions, I Will Cherish Them Forever'

HSE St Petersburg International Summer School is in full swing—right now, international students from 12 countries are attending lectures and enjoying the cultural programme. The HSE News Service talked to the participants about their most vivid impressions.

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts Students from 12 Countries at the International Summer School

On July 10, HSE University-St Petersburg launched the International Summer School—a series of classes for students from India, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea and other countries. Foreign guests are getting to know the university, attending lectures in six fields of study, and enjoying an inspiring cultural programme.

The XI Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Relations Kicks Off at HSE University

On July 1, 2024, the opening ceremony of the XI International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Relations, titled ‘Partnership and Cooperation in the New World Order,’ took place. The event was organised by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs in collaboration with HSE Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS). Graduate and postgraduate students from various countries have come to Moscow to study international relations and collectively envision a new world order.

HSE University Holds 10th Summer School ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’

This year, more than 100 students from Russia and abroad took part in the 10th summer neurolinguistic school, ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’. The school is held annually by the HSE Center for Language and Brain. Leading experts spoke about advanced developments and research in the field of video-oculography.

Data Analysis and Personalised Medicine: Summer School in Cardiogenetics

The Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science has recently hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel'. The school programme was co-organised by the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation and Institute of Spectroscopy and the Syntol company.

‘Interest in the Application of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Is Growing by the Year’

On August 28–30, HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science held the 4th Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. This year, 670 people registered for the event, and over 300 visited in person. The programme included lectures and seminars on various spheres of bioinformatics: applied bioinformatics and the bioinformatics of DNA, RNA, and proteins; elementary genomics; modern methods of data analysis and molecular biology. The lectures were complemented by practical tasks aimed at different levels of knowledge.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science Holds Summer School on Software Engineering

At the beginning of July, a summer school on software engineering was held at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. This is the successor to the school on mobile applications development, which was held at the FCS from 2015 to 2022. The school’s partners for this event included 1C, Sber, the community of authors of the Indicator games, and the Samsung Innovation Campus IT School.

‘This Summer School Made Me Realise How Important Data Analytics Actually Is Nowadays’

From July 4–8, the 14th Summer School ‘Methods and Tools for Analysing Social Networks’ was held by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR Lab). The dissemination of knowledge about the most recent methods of network analysis is one of the goals of the laboratory. Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary field that studies networks of interactions between different objects (such as people, organisations, institutions, countries, words in texts, texts on the internet) and identifying hidden patterns within them.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science Holds Summer School on Entrepreneurship

In early July, HSE Faculty of Computer Science held the 2nd Summer School on Entrepreneurship. It was organised by the faculty Centre for Internships, Projects and Entrepreneurshiptogether with Tinkoff Bank, and industry partners including Yandex, Sber Student and Otkritie Bank. More than 40 students from the Faculty of Computer Science and other HSE faculties took part in the school.