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Address: 13 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Building 4, room 313
SPIN-RSCI: 8463-3518
ORCID: 0000-0001-8328-7032
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R. Goncharov
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Daria Maltseva

  • Daria Maltseva has been at HSE University since 2023.


  • 2023

    Master's in Urban Development
    HSE University

  • 2021

    Bachelor's in Sociology
    HSE University

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Participation in the academic exchange programme: master's degree in Urban Planning and Policy Design, Politecnico di Milano. Milan, Italy (2020-21)

Advanced training programme Urban Cultural Landscape (2022)

Coursera online courses: Writing in the Sciences, Stanford University (2024); Classical Sociological Theory, University of Amsterdam (2020); Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2020)

DataCamp online courses: Correlation and regression in R (2019); Intermediate R (2020).




  • 2024
    Форум имени А.А. Высоковского «Доказательная урбанистика: инструменты профессионалов» (Москва). Presentation: Неформальная урбанизация в России: опыт и перспективы исследования
  • 2023

    30th International Seminar of Urban Form (ISUF): Praxis of Urban Morphology (Белград). Presentation: Assemblage as the possible bridge between morphological approaches: the case of informal settlements in Sochi, Russia

  • Форум имени А.А. Высоковского. Доказательная урбанистика: новые вызовы (Москва). Presentation: Сравнение стратегий политического вмешательства в неформальные поселения городов Глобального Юга
  • Ежегодный семинар фонда поддержки социальных исследований "Хамовники" (Переславль-Залесский). Presentation: Этнографические и геоинформационные методы в изучении неформальных (сквоттерских) поселений России: возможности и ограничения
  • 2022

    29th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF): Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Лодзь, Краков). Presentation: Russian Informal Settlements: Morphology and Reasons Behind the Spread

  • 29th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF): Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Лодзь, Краков). Presentation: Reality vs Regulation: Informal Practices of Spatial Development in Krasnodar, Russia

  • I Международная научная конференция. Цивилизации Востока: взгляд из XXI века (Москва). Presentation: Сравнение стратегий политического вмешательства в неформальные поселения городов Глобального Юга
  • Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times (RC21) (Афины). Presentation: Russian Informal Settlements: Morphology and Reasons Behind the Spread
  • The collaborative research project Cities Building Culture. PhD-school: Heritage at Home. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Heritage of Residential Districts in the Post-Socialist/Soviet Cities (онлайн). Presentation: Russian Informal Settlements: Morphology and Reasons Behind the Spread


Grant for participation in an international scientific event. Winner of the student competition in the nomination "The best research in urban studies, urban and transport planning" (2023)

Grant for organising the School of Urbanism in Tarusa. Project-winner of the HSE Student Initiatives Competition, track "Urbanistics" (2022)

Erasmus+ grant for participation in the academic exchange programme: master's degree in Urban Planning and Policy Design, Politecnico di Milano. Milan, Italy (2020-21)

Grant for a summer research program within the HSE international mobility. Winner of the Research Day 2.0: competition in oral session, fundamental track (2020)

Timetable for today

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