HSE Hosting Workshop on the Neurobiology of Social Influence
On August 30th and 31st, the Higher School of Economics is hosting the first international workshop on the neurobiology of social influence. The event is being organised by the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making.
International Seminar on the Humanities in Russia at HSE Perm
Academics from all over the world will meet on August 25th - 27th at the HSE campus in Perm for an international research seminar The Humanities in Russia and the Break of 1917: the Existential Dimension.30 researchers from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Uzbekistan and Ukraine will be taking part.
Application Underway for the 2015 Trilateral Youth Forum between Germany, Poland and Russia
Until July 31, 2015, you can apply for the German-Polish-Russian Trilateral Youth Forum, which will take place in Moscow from September 28 – October 2, 2015. Most of the events will be held at HSE.
ICSID Conference — an Annual Academic Highlight for Russian Political Economists
On 29th June — 1st July the International Centre for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) at HSE Moscow will hold its fourth annual conference. The theme this year is Institutions, Elites and Collective Action in the Developing World. Michael Rochlitz, Assistant Professor at the School of Political Science at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences is among the impressive line-up of international specialists in the field who will be speaking at the conference. The HSE English News Service asked him about the focus of the 2015 conference, what new things it has in store and why he thinks it is definitely something to get excited about.

HSE and MSU to compete on the water
The world-famous competition between Oxford and Cambridge universities traces its history back to 1829. These sporting duels are part of a broader tradition of genial one-upmanship between the two universities, which has been held on the river Thames for 186 years. This year, the tradition is coming to Moscow – where the capital's two leading universities will battle it out in a regatta.
International Staff Week 2015 Begins in St. Petersburg
On June 8, the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg began celebrating International Staff Week, a weeklong series of events designed as an opportunity for international staff members to promote their universities and develop opportunities for international cooperation.
IDLab Research Seminars
HSE Campus in Perm has launched a series of research seminars at the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy involving international experts.
June 8 Dance with Chewbacca and win a prize: Five reasons to go to HSE leaving ball, even if you’re not graduating
On June 20, HSE is holding its university-wide leaving ball. This is not just an event, but an uber-event with prizes to win, the opportunity to dance all night to a space mix and musical surprises. Graduating students, former and future graduates, and tutors are all welcome to attend. These are the five main reasons not to miss this.
Heroes among Us — Learn How to Be A Volunteer
Volunteering isn’t a profession it is about following your heart. If you want to help someone in need but don’t know how to begin, then come to our event at the ZIL Cultural Centre. On the 4th June, HSE student organisations are running the ‘A Hero among Us’ festival with dozens of Moscow’s student charity projects.
'I Gulped down Ginzburg’s Article with Greedy, Insatiable Pleasure'
On 1st to 3rd June, the remarkable Italian historian and one of the founders of microhistory, Carlo Ginzburg will give a series of open lectures at the HSE. Professor Ginzburg has been invited to Moscow by the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI). His translator, Professor at the School of Philosophy, Sergey Kozlov spoke to the HSE News Service about how he was inspired to translate Ginzburg’s work into Russian which led to them becoming firm friends.