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Tuesday, March 11


Masha Volina to speak on 'Demonstrative Pronouns in Khwarshi'

Illustration for news: Ageing Can Drive Progress

Ageing Can Drive Progress

Twenty years from now, the number of retired persons worldwide will have grown by 600 million, almost double the current number. Life expectancy will have increased, bringing new economic challenges. Yet the growing number of seniors can also stimulate important breakthroughs in medicine, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cognitive sciences and robotics, according to the report 'Global Population Ageing and the Threat of Political Risks in the Light of Radical Technological Innovation in the Coming Decades.'

Mathematics to Help Diagnose Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers, accounting for 26% of all malignancies in women. Mathematical modeling can play an important role in predicting the course of disease and supporting the use of personalized medicine in its treatment, according to Neznanov and Tyuryumina's paper 'Combined mathematical model of the growth of breast cancer.'

Most Russians Need to Be Financially Enlightened

Only 2% of Russians consider themselves financially literate. One in 10 people signs contracts without reading them. Almost half of all depositors do not understand what state insurance of private savings means. One third of the population can manage their individual budget, but do not know their way around the financial services market.

Who Feels Poor in Russia

The level of education, the size of the settlement, and the social status can all seriously affect the chance of feeling poor in Russia. These are the findings by experts of the HSE Institute for Social Policy, revealed as part of their regular Monitoring of the Social and Economic Situation and Well-being of the Population.

12th ISTR Conference: HSE Researchers Presented Record Number of Papers

The 12th International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Conference took place in Stockholm and was entitled ‘The Third Sector in Transition:Accountability, Transparency, and Social Inclusion’. The conference is held biannually and is a major academic event in its field.

Illustration for news: Performance Motivating Factors Reported by Russian Doctors

Performance Motivating Factors Reported by Russian Doctors

Interesting work, the desire to help patients, and money – these are the three key factors which motivate Russian doctors to perform, while career ambitions remain a secondary consideration, according to HSE research. Alexander Temnitsky, Leading Research Fellow of the HSE Centre for Health Policy, studied Russian doctors’ personal motives driving their performance between 2007 and 2014. 

Taking Education from the 19th Century to the 21st

For the first time ever, the leaders of education studies centres from some of the world’s leading research universities met at the HSE Academic Centre in Pushkin, Russia. At the meeting, the researchers, along with a representative from OECD, discussed how education studies departments should change to meet the global challenges that face the sphere of education.

International Summer School on Higher Education Research

The IV International Summer School on Higher Education Research, which was devoted to ‘Higher Education, Society and State’, was held June 4-10 in St. Petersburg. Organized jointly with the China Institute for Educational Finance Research at Peking University, the Summer School brings together senior and junior scholars in the field of higher education research; it aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, enhance research quality, and foster the integration of early-career researchers into the international academic community.

Russian and Italian Intellectuals Speak a Common Language

In late May Moscow hosted a Russian-Italian research conference marking the anniversary of the birth of Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce. The conference entitled 'The Legacy of Benedetto Croce in the 21st Century' was organized by and held at the HSE's Humanities Faculty in conjunction with the Italian Cultural Institute in Moscow.

Illustration for news: Children of Richer Parents Do Better at School

Children of Richer Parents Do Better at School

The more books in the family and the richer and more educated the parents, the more likely it is that the children will do well at school. Elena Kardanova, Inna Antypkina and Alina Ivanova, researchers at the Centre of Education Quality Monitoring of the HSE Institute of Education, presented their paper 'The Progress of Grade One Students in the First Year of School: Perpetuating Inequality in Primary Education' at the HSE's XVII April Conference.