Physicist from HSE University-St Petersburg Ranked Russia’s Number One Scientist in Electronics and Electrical Engineering by
The academic platform has published a ranking of the best scientists in the field of electronics and electrical engineering in 2022. In Russia, first place in Electronics and Electrical Engineering went to Alexey Zhukov, Academic Supervisor of the International Laboratory of Quantum Optoelectronics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. is an academic platform for researchers. It publishes annual rankings of the best academics, universities, conferences, and journals. The main purpose of the platform is to introduce readers to experts from various fields, as well as new methods and theoretical approaches. When compiling the rankings, is guided by the D-index (Discipline H-index), which takes into account the number of academic papers and the citation rate in the field under study. The list of the best scientists in this field includes researchers whose D-index is at least 30. More information on the ranking can be found here. The platform also compiles rankings of scientists for 24 scientific fields and different countries.
In 2022, Alexey Zhukov, Academic Supervisor of the International Laboratory of Quantum Optoelectronics, was ranked first in Russia in the field of electronics and electrical engineering. According to, Dr Zhukov’s D-index was 48 and his citation index was 6,237.
Alexey Zhukov graduated from the Department of Optoelectronics of St Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETU) at the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute. During his studies, he grew semiconductors in the vacuum chamber of an epitaxial unit. In the mid-90s, the world’s first quantum dot laser was created in the same laboratory.
The International Laboratory of Quantum Optoelectronics operates at HSE University-St Petersburg under Dr Zhukov’s academic supervision. The laboratory conducts research in the field of semiconductor materials, nanostructures, and devices based on them, including microlasers and their combination with silicon.
See also:
Russian Scientists Demonstrate How Disorder Contributes to Emergence of Unusual Superconductivity
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First Successful Attempt in 55 years: Physicists in Russia and Germany Confirm 1969 Experiment Results
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Russian Physicists Determine Indices Enabling Prediction of Laser Behaviour
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HSE Scientists Have Developed a New Model of Electric Double Layer
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HSE Scientist Optimises Solution of Hydrodynamics Problems
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Physicists from Russia and Brazil Unveil Mystery behind Complex Superconductor Patterns
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Adhesive Tape Helps Create Innovative THz Photodetector
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Operation of Cellular Networks Found Similar to Bacteria Growth in Petri Dish
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