‘My Father Wanted the Americans to Know How Many Soviet Citizens Suffered in This War’
On April 24, HSE will host a talk by John Beyrle, U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation 2008-2012 marking the 70th anniversary of the meeting of the Allied Armies at the Elbe, and U.S./Soviet cooperation during the Second World War. For John Beyrle, the Second World War is a very personal story.
Thanks to Online Courses, the Best Teachers Will Be More Accessible to Wider Audiences
On April 17, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov took part in a panel discussion entitled ‘Digital Technology in University Life’, which was held at the Moscow International Education Fair. He answered questions from the presenter, journalist Alexander Arkhangelsky*, and visitors at the fair.
students at HSE Lyceum, as well as HSE students and alumni, have applied to take part in Game Changer, a championship involving business cases.
HSE is Opening a Window onto Europe
Director of the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) Sergey Yakovlev has talked to Interfax about how Russian universities can improve their international competitiveness, find partners in Europe and the United States, launch their graduates into the global marketplace, and find the ideal balance between their Russian roots and international educational trends.
Advanced Master in International Business Programme: Moscow, Paris, Singapore and Two Degrees
Beginning in September 2015, the International Institute of Administration and Business at HSE will launch a new English-language Advanced Master in International Business programme. In less than half a year, this professional training programme will enable participants to learn how to manage a business in an international environment. An Open House for the programme will be held on April 25.

Preparatory Year Scholarships for International Students
HSE is pleased to announce 75 scholarship places for international students in its Preparatory Year programme in Moscow. The scholarships are available throught the quota scheme offered by the Russian government. Over the course of 32 weeks, the programme trains international students so that upon completion they are ready to enter Russian-taught Master’s programmes.
Joint Symposium Seeks to Build Bridges between Russian and Asian Marketing and Management
As part of the XVI April International Academic Conference, HSE hosted a joint symposium of the Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (GAMMA) co-organized with Korean Scholars of Marketing Science. Themed ‘Bridging Asia and Russia in Global Marketing & Management’, the event aimed to promote academic cooperation between scholars working in the fields of marketing and management in Russia and Asia. Professor Olga Tretyak (HSE), Professor Vera Rebiazina (HSE) and Professor Jaihak Chung (Sogang University) co-chaired this joint symposium. The Center for Sustainable Culture & Service of Yonsei University and Korea Economy & Management Development Institute were partners.
students at the HSE Lyceum are winners and runners up at the 'Vyshaya Proba' Olympiad.
Interesting Work and a Comfortable Workplace Motivate Employees of Startups
For a business startup to grow and thrive, its employees should have a vested interest in its success. Employee incentives may include bonuses, equity and profit sharing, recognition of accomplishments, opportunities for career development, and flexible work schedules. But being inspired by a new challenge and proud of work well done can motivate people even more effectively, according to Olga Gaponova, Associate Professor at the Department of General and Strategic Management, HSE Branch in Nizhny Novgorod.
'You Can Only Resolve Global Problems When You Let Other Countries Boost Their Potential'
At the XVI April Conference’s section on Science and Innovation hosted by the Higher School of Economics, a seminar took place on international ways to cooperate in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. Participants included universities from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) project ‘Knowledge Triangle: Cooperation in Science, Education, and Innovation.’ The section’s participants discussed the role of education, academic research, and innovation in ensuring the ability of European countries to compete globally.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025