HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
Upon successfully defending his dissertation before HSE Dissertation Council in Computer Science, Pavel Dvurechensky became the first Doctor of Computer Science in Russia. This was possible thanks to the fact that, starting in 2018, HSE University received the right to award its own academic degrees.
‘Conducting Research Is an Opportunity to Change the World for the Better’
Fedor Kluev, a student first-year student in the Bachelor’s programme in Chemistry at HSE University, was the only first-year undergraduate student to win a prize in this year’s Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC). He began working with his academic supervisor, Denis Chusov, when he was still in high school. In an interview with the HSE News Service, Fedor talked about his research, the role of science in human life, and the importance of popularising science.

The Pandemic As an Opportunity: HSE Experts Evaluate the Potential of Domestic Tourism in Russia
The tourism industry has been recognized as one of the hardest hit sectors of the economy due to the introduction of restrictive measures to counter the spread of the pandemic. Thus, experts estimated that the income of domestic hoteliers would fall 2.7 times by the end of 2020. But the pandemic also provides opportunities for Russia’s domestic tourism market, according to a recent report by HSE University experts. The researchers estimate that the market could potentially generate up to 1.5 trillion rubles.
‘This Year Has Shown That We Are Not Only Able to Develop Quickly, But Are Also Capable of Quickly Overcoming Challenges’
In his annual New Year's video address, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov wished everyone a happy holiday. 'This year we learned to help each other,' the rector said. 'In the coming year, may we take more delight and make new friends.'
‘Education Is the Most Important Hiring Criterion for International Companies’
Foreign investment plays a huge role in determining how the Russian economy will recover after its long illness. The RDIF accompanies most of those transactions. But, as HSE graduate and RDIF Investment Department Vice President Mikhail Kireev explains, the organization also has a social mission, in particular, to develop medicines and vaccines. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Kireev also explains why HSE graduates are sought after, how the RDIF chooses companies for investment, where you can get an international degree when borders are closed and what constitutes a global education.

Teach for HSE Helps Lecturers Apply 3D Modeling to Teaching
In December, the Teach for HSE project held the master class ‘From Photography to 3D-Model: 3D-Modeling Technology in Teaching and Project Activity’ for HSE lecturers. The master class was delivered online by Iliana Ismakaeva, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at HSE – Perm and winner of the spring competition of the Fund for Educational Innovation.

‘Students Lack the Ability to Organise Themselves’
Russian students are not particularly independent or self-disciplined. A recent study shows that this has been one of the problems with the transition to remote learning. Researchers presented their findings at the Sociology of Online Learning session of the international eSTARS conference held at the Higher School of Economics in partnership with the Coursera global platform. In an interview, Ulyana Zakharova — session moderator and research fellow at the HSE Centre of Sociology of Higher Education’s Institute of Education — told IQ how students develop their character, teachers stop being translators and remote learning tests everyone’s abilities.

‘I Went to Lancaster Expecting the British Education System to Be Different from the Russian One’
Can a Russian student get a £10,000 tuition discount at a foreign university? How do you study abroad if you do not know the language? The students of the Department of Business Informatics at HSE University’s Graduate School of Business shared their experience in international exchange programmes with the news service.

Mapping Empire and Environment in Siberia: International Laboratory ‘Russia’s Regions in Historical Perspective’ Hosts Erika Monahan
How does an American researcher become interested in the history of enterprise in Siberia? Does knowing Alaska give one a good understanding of the Siberian temperament? If there is one book that provides a good history of Russia, what is it? HSE News Service asked these and other questions to Erika Monahan, Associate Professor of History at the University of New Mexico, who recently gave a talk at the seminar of the HSE International Laboratory ‘Russia’s Regions in Historical Perspective’

Green HSE Wins 2020 Moscow Volunteer Competition
The team of Green HSE, an ecological student association, took first place in the category ‘Kind Team. University’, where the largest number of participants (2,025 contestants) took part. Eight volunteer teams from Moscow universities made it to the final round of the competition.