HSE University and Element Group to Create New Model for Training Engineers for High-Tech Industries
Element Group, one of the largest developers and manufacturers of microelectronics in Russia, will become HSE University's key industrial partner in creating a new system to train specialists in high-tech industries. The training will be organised at the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM).

Technological Unemployment
In his book, Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, futurist Martin Ford warns of 75% unemployment by 2100, as robots will finally defeat humans and half of all existing occupations will disappear. Should we believe it? Prominent Russian economist and deputy director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies Rostislav Kapeliushnikov does not think so. According to his paper 'Is Technological Change a Devourer of Jobs?'', predictions of a 'labour market apocalypse' with mass loss of jobs caused by technological progress are unfounded.