Robotics Laboratory Opens at HSE University
A new project-based learning robotics laboratory has been established at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. Its creation stemmed from a robotics group formed at the faculty in 2021 on the initiative of alumni. The laboratory's activities will focus on developing autonomous robots capable of operating in complex and dynamic environments.

Pet a Robocat and Talk to R2D2: HSE Faculty of Computer Science Holds Robotics Fest
At the end of April, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science organised its first robotics festival. SBER was a partner of the event, which took place in the atrium of the HSE building on Pokrovsky Bulvar. Yandex and the National Association of Robotics Market Participants were the event's co-organisers. The guests attended lectures from industry experts and interacted with robots on interactive platforms.

Applications Now Open for New Educational Robotics Accelerator
Over the course of 12 weeks, participants of the HSE Business Incubator’s programme will finalise their startups under the leadership of renowned market experts and attract grant funding for their projects. The programme will be held both online and in person. Applications for the accelerator are open until May 28, 2022.
HSE Design School Students Win the Skolkovo Hackathon
A team of first and second year students on the Communication Design and Animation course, backed by senior Web Design students, has won the three-day hackathon Robodesign at Skolkovo. They produced the best results in the Graphic Interface TRIK Studio and Artistic model making categories.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025