HSE St Petersburg Hosts Investment Session
Students of the Performance Management course at the Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg had the opportunity to take part in two English-language investment sessions in March 2017. Under the supervision of Elizaveta Markovskaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, HSE students as well as exchange students from Holland and Portugal presented their creative investment ideas in front of representatives of investment funds and businesses. Students themselves and external experts from L'oreal, Agat Investment Fund, and Factosphere consulting company played the role of potential investors.
Student teams faced a challenging task - to present their projects in the format of five-minute presentations which received feedback from potential investors. Despite the strict time frame, the students successfully presented their ideas, talked about their goals, main focus and financial aspects of their projects including funding strategies and key financial indicators.
Investment sessions are events in which entrepreneurs can present their ideas to potential investors. In the international business field nowadays, these take the shape of fast presentations. So, for instance, in Finland such events include two-minute long presentations.
Using her experience of participating in investment sessions in Russian as well as foreign business environment, associate professor Elizaveta Markovskaya has been conducting the final lesson of her Performance Management course in this format for a second year in a row.
The students shared their impressions of the event:
Student from HSE St Petersburg
Exchange student from Portugal
Student from HSE St Petersburg
Our presentation session can be described as a challenge, which I personally like to be engaged in. After this experience I'm entirely sure that such form of assessing students is something that really contributes to developing professional skills of future financiers. All experts' questions and feedbacks were clear and up to the point, which is vital for personal development. Despite that the session got much longer than we had anticipated, the fact that every project was commented on outweighs this problem.
All in all, I truly think that such practice was a kind of breakthrough for our campus as it put us out of the comfort zone and gave us the portion of real business notion. I believe, the development of such sessions would raise HSE status of international university.
The external experts who took part in the event were also happy to share their impressions of the investment session:
Director of the Fond Agat in St Petersburg
Business Consultant
Digital Marketing Executive, L'Oreal
CEO of consulting company Factosphere Ltd.
Elizaveta Markovskaya